Chapter 2

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As Hermione listened to Professor McGonagall explaining their duties, she noticed Malfoy stealing glances at her. She was bewildered when her cheeks began to warm and she caught him smirking at her because of it, which made her rosy glow catch fire. Apparently he hadn't lost his arrogance over the holidays.

Why was she reacting that way? She hated Malfoy. He was the reason that she felt self-conscious because of her looks and her intelligence. He had made her life miserable in the past, he was a Death Eater. She scowled at herself and directed her focus back to McGonagall.

"For your final year at Hogwarts, you will be sharing the Head Prefect's dormitories as a reward for your achievements." Hermione's jaw dropped.

"That doesn't sound like a very good reward, Professor!" Her hands immediately went to her mouth after her outburst, and she mumbled apology after apology.

"Miss Granger, I would not expect this type of behaviour from you, and I will not tolerate it from a Head Girl. If you find that you have difficulties keeping your relationship with Mr Malfoy appropriate, you will be forced to give in your badge. There is a past between you two, however you are role models to every student in this school."

"Yes of course, Professor. I understand, it won't happen again." Malfoy snickered and she rolled her eyes.

"I shall hope not." McGonagall looked between the two of them and shook her head, her mouth in such a tight line that it had almost disappeared. "You will not be returning to your compartments as you will stay in this one."

Hermione thought she saw Draco breathe a sigh of relief when McGonagall announced they would be staying here. Why would Draco want to spend time with her, instead of his friends?

McGonagall left through the door, leaving Hermione and Draco in an uncomfortable silence. She sat playing with her fingernails, wishing the train would pull in to the station.

"Head Girl, eh? Can't say I didn't expect it." She looked over to him and tried to fight the rage building in her chest.

"Oh, so you're telling me that you actually expected the ugly, nerdy Mudblood to be given Head Girl?" He flinched at the word, and his eyes diverted back to the wall. They lapsed back into silence, and she felt a little bad for snapping at him. Maybe he hadn't been trying to be rude. He looked pretty hurt and angry at himself. She was about to apologise but she remembered the years of torture and shut her mouth.

When the train finally pulled into the station she stood quickly and grabbed Crookshanks cage, but when she turned around to get her trunk she saw that Draco was already hauling it through the door and walking off the train.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing? That's my stuff!" She yelled after him, but he just chuckled.

"It looked heavy. I was just bringing it out for you." She looked at him in shock and he rolled his eyes. Was this a trick or was he genuinely trying to help her? "Okay, sorry. I just saw you struggling with it when you came in so I thought-"

"Listen if this is some kind of prank, I swear I will let Crookshanks rip your hair out, strand by strand."

"I'm really sorry, I will make sure to never help you in future." He shook his head as he got back on the train and dragged his own trunk out.

"It's not a trick?" He just laughed and her cheeks flamed, embarrassed that she had made it such a big deal. Harry and Ron usually helped her with my trunk anyway. "Well, thank you."

She turned to walk away, but he moved closer to her and whispered over her shoulder. "By the way, I definitely don't think you are ugly." Her feet stopped dead and her face froze in shock. She whipped around, but Draco was already lost in the crowd. He couldn't have said that could he? It must have been somebody else. She shook her head and continued on her way to the carriages.

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