I am so sorrrryyy

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"Maya wake up sweetie" her mom opened the door. Maya groaned and rubbed her eyes "you have 15 minutes!" Maya sat up. "Only 15 minutes?" Maya threw on her clothes (see pic above) and applied her makeup and did her hair. She looked extra hot today. Mission accomplished. Then she ran out the door after her mom.

Riley's pov

"NOBODYS PERFECT I GOTTA WORK IT" Riley slammed her hand down on the radio "shut up" she groaned. Riley laid in her bed and started thinking


Farkle came running out of the car towards the school when he saw Riley standing there on the verge of tears. Her ran towards her and wrapped her in his arms. She fell into him he felt so warm and comforting. "Riley, Riley what happened?" She started crying the through breaths said "there was a person... And... And.. He.. Chased me... Then. He, he ...tried to get..m-me" Farkle pulled her into his arms and swayed with her like she was a baby. When she finally stopped crying he walked her to the passengers side and got in the drivers seat. He sat down and looked at her. "We will catch this person"he said looking at her. Riley tilted her head. "Farkle?" She said. He turned to look at her "yeah?" Riley leaned into him and kissed him. He grabbed the side of her face and kissed her passionately. "Thank you" she said once their lips separated.

Riley sighed she had messed up. Farkle was scared just like her. She had no right to say the things she said. I should go apologize. She thought. Riley hopped out of bed and put on some lavender tight jeans and a light blue frilly top. She curled her hair and added her voluminous hair spray. She put on her tan bronzer and black eyeliner the she walked out the door.

(Lucas pov)

He walked into school and saw Maya standing at her locker. God he thought she is so hot. Her skirt was short showing off her thighs and she was wearing a freaking crop top. She was wearing more makeup than usual. And Lucas noticed a lot of other guys noticing. He walked up to her. "Hey Maya" he said she looked at him like they had never met in their life. "Look I just wanted to-" "listen sweetie" she interrupted him "I have a lot of people wanting to make my acquaintance and just not everyone made the cut" she said and shrugged. "Maybe next time" she said and blew him a kiss. Why was she acting like this? I mean yeah I was pretty harsh last night but I don't think I deserve this.

Maya's pov

I walked into the school building with a shower of whistles. One guy even went as far as to say"dang you look fineeee" while checking her out. A little effort and I could have anyone I wanted. Riley walks up to me "have you seen farkle?" She asks, nervously. "Sorry, no. Maybe he felt sick." I shrugged. "wouldn't be surprised I tried to stay home too"she says mumbling as she walks away. I go to the water fountain and bend over to get a drink. I'm mid drink, when someone grabs my waist and puts their body against mine. "Lucas?" I ask and spin around. But standing in front of me is not Lucas but instead I am greeted by a smiling Joshua Matthews. "Miss me?" He said . I smiled "not as much as you missed me I'm sure" I replied. He laughed s little and pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing at my school, anyway?" I smirked and added "couldn't bear the thought of not seeing me until after school" I made a Kissy face at him. He smiled and sighed "that and I have some paper work to do" Maya frowned and looked at the thick stack of paper work in Josh's hand. "Why would you be doing paper work at my school?" I snatch the papers out of his hand and scan the first page. "Substitute teachers must properly certified and registered in the 5 month training program. " blah blah blah blah Maya looked up, realization on her face "you're going to teach?! At my school?!" Josh shrugged "It's definitely an option yeah..."  She wrapped him in a hug "josh that's so great! We have to celebrate!" He smiled and for the first time since his conversation with Maya, he noticed how amazing she looked. "Yeah... I was thinking the same thing. So, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date? You know with me?" Maya raised her eyebrows. She always had a crush on josh since the day she laid eyes on him, but she always loved Lucas... Maya started thinking back to last night. The way he yelled at her... She bit her lip. "Yes josh I would love to go on a date with you." She said nonchalantly. He smiled "amazing. I gotta go" he held up the stack of papers "but I'll text you" she smiled and waved. Josh looked so happy, she made him that happy so...why did she feel so..bad? Maya shrugged off the thought and walked to her locker. "Hey Maya" she heard that familiar voice that always gave her chills, the good kind. No Maya, no. She thought to herself. He doesn't get to do this. Maya turned and looked at him expectantly. "What?" She said. He started stuttering "umm, I just wanted to let you" no I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this "listen sweetie. I have a lot of people wanting to make my aquaintince today. And you just didn't make the cut" she started to walk away and then turned. "Maybe next time!" She blew him a kiss and strut off, she was a bad bitch

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