6: Essays and Fashion

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 "Come on, Mom! This is like my first time meeting someone besides Sharona who goes to clubs and who's really like, cool," I said, trying to get her to let me go with Sharona tonight to Caesar's Palace. Even though Sharona had said that she would fully take care of me, Mom had a lioness protection circle around me (yeah she didn't win the round when she asked Mom if I could go so I had to go alone on this one) . Plus, she knew that I asked her yesterday about it and she said she'll think about it right after she comforts Sharona about the loss.

 Mom just shook her head. "I don't want you hanging out with people who can harm you, Serena."

 Convincing Mom was like trying to let your parents go out to a concert. It was really that hard.

 "Mom," I said, in my good girl voice. "You know I make excellent grades, right?"

 Mom rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Serena, not that...."

 I balanced myself on my tippy toes. "Come on, Mom. I make all the good grades. I got As in all my finals last year except for that one B in math. You know math is my weakness! Plus, I am getting older..."

 "Fine then," Mom said, knowing that she won't win the argument. "You can go."

 I jumped up with joy.

 You have to pull teeth with Mom sometimes. I know that ok, the general rules are get good grades, do your homework first, etc.

 Yet I do all these things and where's my reward for it?

 Sometimes, I just don't understand why we even bother doing these things if nothing good is going to come out of it.

 "After you finish that essay that you have due Monday," Mom said, getting the last word.

 I screeched to a halt. "WHAT?!"

 "The essay, Serena," Mom said. "I know that Mr. Boston has you all doing an essay about the Gettysburg address. I would suggest you get that out of the way before you go with Sharona tonight."

 "MOM!" I screamed. "I'll do it when I get back."

 "I know you. You're going to be too tired to do it when you get back."

 I grumbled. "Fine then."

 See what I mean? Even when it feels like I won the battle, I have to pull out extra teeth just to go.

 I climbed up the stairs to my room and began typing away.


 Sharona came to my room and was twirling around in her new green black polka dot dress.

 "How do I look?" she asked.

 "Good," I said, my eyes still on the computer trying to write the essay. Not only did this essay have to be freaking 10 pages long but I had to explain EVERY single DETAIL about it. Abraham Lincoln....yah yadda yadda....the Union...blah blah.....the Confederate....etc.

 "You're doing homework?" Sharona asked.

 I pointed to my door. "Mom."

 "Well, it's better to get it out of the way," Sharona said. "I mean, can you imagine you went and didn't do it? I think Joel be disappointed in you."

 "Whatever," I said. "I'm still going to school. You're not. Which by the way, at least I'm still getting the good grades and getting an education."

 "Schoolgirl," Sharona said, sticking her tongue out at me.

 Ok, so maybe Sharona did go to UNLV and get her degree for DJing and all. Only she wasn't really a schoolgirl unlike me. You see, she did do her homework but she sometimes didn't do it until like the day before it's due. Plus, she liked hanging out with friends more.

 Which is why my mom probably sent me up here to do my essay first so that I won't be like Sharona. Um, Mom, that's far off from me being Sharona because I don't have the style that Sharona has that attracts people to see her DJ.

 "Is that dress new?" I asked.

 "Yes, it's nice, isn't it?" Sharona asked.

 "Yep," I said.

 "What are you going to wear?"

 I turned to my bed. "Oh, my purple shirt with black leggings. I think I might put on a black sweat jacket in case it gets cold too."

 "I would really recommend that," Sharona said. "How about a little glam on it? Maybe some earrings I have?"

 "Um, I'll take care of that," I said.

 "Cross earrings?"

 "No, Sharona."

 Besides her being a DJ that annoys me, her attempt to make me fashionable is so more ANNOYING.

 I understand that she's trying to help me but sometimes she goes way overboard. Like the time when we had dinner with our family who came down from Oregon, she tried to make me wear some big gold hoops and a gold necklace with chains on it. I'm sorry, but that is not my style.

 "I'll just wear my small gold studs," I said.

 "What about those cross earring that hang a little?"

 "Ok, maybe those ones."

 "What about a ring?"


 "Come on, Serena. You need a little bling to bring yourself out."

 "Ok, I'll wear that gold necklace that has that heart on it."

 "What about shoes?"

 "Are you turning fashion freak on me?"

 "Well, it's not that I don't want you to wear anything that's not you but...I just really want to make a big impression on Joel."

 Oh, so that's what this is all about. An impression on Joel. Well, after the loss, Sharona would have to try to show to Joel that she could be tougher. And that she was better than that.

 "Well, maybe you should fashion yourself up more," I said. "It's not me that needs to be worrying."

 "I know, but you're like, one of my supporters and represent me. I want Joel to know that I'm not just some random crappy DJ. I'm a good one."

 I nodded. "I understand your problem. Well, just be yourself then. I mean, yeah, put on a little make-up but don't over do it."

 "Yeah, I know," Sharona said. "You're almost done with that essay?"

 "Almost," I said. "Just one more paragraph and that's it." Yeah, I can type up an essay quick but sometimes, I feel like I'm just doing nothing but writing random crap in it.

 "Well, time to go and make an impression," Sharona said. "I'm going to finish getting ready. Call me when you're ready."

 "Ok," I said.

 I saved my paper and put my head on the table. I really hope I don't screw things up for Sharona tonight.

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