Falling for the Mau5

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 This is a Deadmau5 fanfic. Hope you enjoy! :)



"Serena, are you ready or what?" my sister, Sharona said, putting on her tennis shoes.

"I'm coming," I said.

I just finished typing my black pink-laced Vans on. I combed my hair a little.

Ugh, I totally envied Sharona's job. How can she go to UNLV and get an advanced placement in music? Oh, and now she totally got her job as a professional DJ.

She's known as DJ Sheeriza. Her persona was a colorful girl who played music that made people dance to it.

For example: She dressed up in light blue pants with a hot pink top and she put one of those clip on hairs (lime green) with light purple boots. And some of her creative outfits come from her best friend, Zephora, who has her own little business in costuming and clothe making.

Why did good things happen to Sharona?

There's rarely good things that happen to me.

I mean, the only good things that happen to me are getting a 3.8 or higher in middle school. Oh, and how I got almost all As during my past 3 years in high school.

Grr, stupid math and chemistry was what brought me down a little.

Plus, Sharona got to go into clubs that I never got to go to. Because of her job as a professional DJ, she gets to go to almost all the Las Vegas clubs like Gallery, Surrender, Jet and don't get me started on the Beach Club at Encore.

I want to go there for my 21st birthday.

I'm still stuck as a 17 year old girl, still enrolled at Green Valley High School. I'm also kind of tall but not tall enough for me to enter the Olympics at the javelin matches or whatever. I also have the same long chocolate hair with chocolate eyes. For one, Mom wouldn't let me dye my hair and she says that my eyes sometimes glowed light brown.

 Pff, she sure let's Sharona get away with things like dying her hair all black (Mom says that it's because she's 22, an adult). Plus, Sharona has some nice green eyes. I bet that's how she can get guys' numbers. She hypnotizes them with her eyes.

 So life sucks for me.

 Hopefully, I can pass my senior year of high school and enroll at UNLV to get my music career started. That's how Sharona began.

 I guess the other good thing about me is that I'm Sharona's sister. Sometimes, Sharona let's me go into the clubs with her when she DJ's but I have to go in the back so the security guards won't have to rant on about me being under age.

 So I'm in the back, watching my sister spin the turn tables and the crowd begins to cheer her on.

 The club she's been assigned to now is Kapture. It's this new club in MGM Grand. They're working on the Studio 54 one so they decided to make another one so that way their clubbers won't be so dissapointed.

 Kapture was pretty big. It did have a bar area and some lounge couches but the biggest area of it was the dance floor. The dance floor colored itself with multi genres of colors and there was a window that showed the nightlife of outside the Strip where the cars and trucks past by.

 I'm not sure where Kapture is. I know that it's somewhere in the MGM past the gambling games and stuff. I always get lost in MGM because of the fact that it's so big and I can't find my way around. That's what happens to me when I'm in other hotels too like Exaclibur or Luxor.

 Tonight, Sharona will perform again in front of the booming crowd demanding for her music in Kapture...again.

 And Sharona begged me to come with her.

 At first, I recoiled.

 The last time I went to Kapture, I ran out to go to the bathroom and somehow I ended up outside of it. I got lost in the casino and 2 big guards were coming after me. I got scared and ran off. When they caught me, they said that my sister was looking for me.

 Then again, I did like going to Kapture.

 Another time being there was when I actually got to meet DJ Quik, Snoop Dogg's nephew. He commented on me saying that my sister was a really good DJ. He asked if she would ever want to do a DJ battle and I told him she would but then again recoil at it.

 When I told Sharona this, she said that she couldn't handle herself battling Quik. True, she could battle other DJs, but she wasn't going to ruin any other reputation of other famous DJs.

 So I said yes but I told her to ask Mom. You see, Mom sometimes doesn't like it when I go with Sharona to watch her DJ. She has fits saying that I might take a wrong turn and be lost in the casino (she predicted that right) and that I might end up ruining it for her by bringing an under age kid to a club.

 Sharona pointed out that her friend was a singer for one of the clubs and she always brings her brother even though he's under age and he never causes trouble.

 Which was the same fo me. I never caused any trouble at the clubs.

 From then, sometimes Mom said yes and other times, she said no.

 Though most of the time, she said it decided on me.

 After Sharona asked her, it was another "Well, what does Serena think?"

 "I'll go, I guess," I said, rolling up my eyes as I got off my bed.

 "Yay! Get ready now!" Sharona cheered and ran off to her room.

 I wondered why I said yes. I mean, I ran through my lists of disagreeing and agreeing but it was still hard to think why.

 "Are you ready?" Sharona asked for the third time.

 "Yes," I said, tying the last knot for my shoes. One of them wasn't tied right.

 "Well, let's go!" Sharona blasted.

 I glanced at her wardrobe of choice. She had on a frilly light blue skirt, a hot pink shirt with black polka dots and with a black cardigan over it, lime green tennis shoes and orange gloves. Her hair was a light blonde in a ponytail.

 "Is that a wig?" I asked as she began to straighten her hair in my mirror.

 "Yeah, Mom got mad over the last time I dyed it this bright purple, so now she forbids me to dye it anything but natural colors," Sharona said, attempting to fix the wig.

 Under it, I could see the tiny locks of brown hair.

 "Did she tell you to dye it your natural color?" I asked.

 "Yes!" Sharona said, as if she was ashame of the hair color. "I really liked that bright purple. Oh well. You ready now?"

 "Yep," I said, standing up. "Ready to roll."

 "Then let's get to it."

 We began to head toward the door.

 "Are you going to drink, Sharona?" Mom asked, her voice coming from the kitchen.

 "No, Mom," Sharona said. "You know I rarely drink."

 This was true for a fact. Sharona barely drank when she turned 21. True, she could drink any of the alcohols available to her but the only alcohol I ever saw her drank was wine but that was only for toasts. And yes, sometimes she took little offers to her by the people over there who offered her a vodka or whatever to drink but once they weren't looking, she gave it for somebody else to drink or went up to the bartenders to get rid of it. She really didn't want to hurt their feelings.

 "Alright, just don't be reckless and keep an eye on Serena," Mom hollered. "Plus, get a cab if you..."

 "I know! I know!" Sharona said and opened the door. "Bye, Mom."

 "Bye, Mom," I said. "I'll text you to let you know how it goes."

 Sharona got out her keys for her black Mercedes and opened the door. When she unlocked it, I got in and we drove off to the strip to go to the club.

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