2: Preparing for the Battle

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"Are you sure you're ready for it?" I asked Sharona.

Sharona nodded.

"Come on, Ser," she said. "I know that the DJ Quik call for battle was my first call for a DJ battle but now, it's on. I don't care who this person thinks he or she is. I'm going in and that's that."

"Sharona, really, do you want to go out there and prepare for a battle in front of those people?" Mom asked.

We were in the kitchen, discussing this over breakfast.

Me and Mom were bound to make Sharona not head for the battle. No way was Sharona going out and losing, getting humiliate.

Sharona had other thoughts though.

"I'll practice a little today," she said. "And I'm a professional. I know how to play my music."

"Do you even know how a DJ battle goes?" Mom asked.

Sharona winced. "Sort of. Well, come on, Mom. I played DJ Hero before. I know what to do."

"Sharona, it's only better for you to call off the battle and just save it for another time or don't even do it at all."

Sharona rolled her eyes. "Um, I'm calling the shots here. So what I say goes, goes."

I shook my head. "Um, you know you're playing at the Cosmoplitan? In front of those thousands of people?"

"Yeah, yeah," Sharona said. "And will you see their faces when I win?"

Mom and I loooked at each other. Sharona didn't get it. She didn't understand the fact that we were trying to save her. We were trying to save her from making the biggest mistake in her life. The mistake that will scorn her for all eternity.

"I know this must be exciting for you because you get to experience something that will make you a better DJ but this battle won't if you lose,' Mom tried again.

"Ugh, why are you putting me down?" Sharona asked.

"I'm not putting you down," Mom said. "I"m just trying to protect you."

"Well, bug off," Sharona said. "This is what I want. I decide what I'm going to do. I'm an adult now, Mom. I may live under your house but that doesn't mean that I still can't go out and do what I want. So I'm doing this battle whether you like it or not? You coming, Ser?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess."

Even though I knew that whether Sharona win or lost, I was going to be there for her. I was going to be there for her when she cried for her first win or her first lost.

At least she'll have someone to cry to about. And plus, I would tell her that me and Mom told her so if she lost.

I heard a phone ring.

"I better get that," I said, getting up to go get it. I got up and went searching for the sound.

I found it coming from my room, from my phone.

I picked it up. "Hello?"

"So, Sheeriza's going to get a DJ battle?"

It was my friend, Klaire. Klaire was my friend from Green Valley High School. She was tall, athletic and mouse brown with gray eyes. She wished to become an Olympic athletic one day.

She knew about my sister being DJ Sheeriza. I rarely told anyone about my sister being DJ at the clubs. They'll probably ask me how I can get in and get to drink.

Only I don't drink. I drink water or sodas Hans offers me.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Because, it's all over the news. It says that one of Las Vegas's upcoming popular professional DJ, DJ Sheeriza, accepts DJ challenge. It doesn't say who though."

"Who was the idiot who spread this around?"

"I don't know. Someone in the club, probably?"

"Ugh. I'm going to find that person and stuff him in the trash can."

"Are you going to watch your sister battle?"

"Of course, I am. I'm going to be there so I could support her on. Not to mention, be there for her whether she wins or loses. Anyway, get this, my mom and I were trying to get her to not go. I mean, this is her first DJ battle, you know?"

"I get you. You don't want her to get all humiliated in front of the audience. I don't blame you. Isn't she getting the hint?"

"She's all ranting on how she's going to do this and how we can't stop her. How she said that the DJ Quik call for battle was just her not wanting to go against a professional DJ and she wasn't sure but now that she's got skills and all, she's prepared."

"Um, hello? Has she ever even been in a DJ battle?"

"Exactly! Oh and she goes, 'but I played DJ Hero!'"

"That's fucking different! How is it like DJ Hero? You don't have freaking buttons to press on!"

"I'm getting scared now. I'm afraid...well, I just don't want her to bawl like crazy and say that it's going to ruin her life forever."

"Yes, it'll leave a pretty big scratch mark but that doesn't mean she can just put it in the past. She has to realize oh well, at least I tried and congraluate the guy who beat her. Maybe next time she can win another DJ battle."

I sighed and fell on my bed. "What am I going to do?"

"Be there for her is all I can say."

I heard music popping from a room. Sharona must be "practicing" now.

"Oh, and get this. She wants it done by today."

"Today? Why?"

"Because she's says she's ready to take on that guy."

"Doesn't she have a brain?"

"Well, she's not using it."

"What's more worst is that she's playing at the Cosmoplitan. You know how popular Las Vegas hotels&casinos are now? Not to mention that this hotel is one of City Center's hotels or something? That it's this fancy hotel&casino that's new and it's surronded by all these fancy malls and stuff like Gucci&Prada?"

I heard her scream, "Do you have any idea how lucky she is?!"

"Um, back to the DJ thing," I said.

"Oh, yeah. Well, if I were you, just be a supportive sister. Tell her to go out there and do her best. And if she doesn't win, she doesn't win. Tell her to congrulate the guy. Hey, maybe the person will give her a few pointers on how to win DJ battles, you know?"

"Maybe," I said.

"Do you think that they're going to air it?"

"Probably not."

"Aw, I could of seen it and cheer her on! Oh well. When is it going down?"

"Tonight at 9."

"Well, if they air it, you know I'll be cheering. Be careful not to be in the cameras too. You could get her busted."

"I won't. I'll probably be in the back with Hans."

"Ok, whoops, I have to go. Mom wants me to go to the grocery store with her. Ugh. Bye and good luck with your sister."

"Thanks, bye."

I heard Sharona scream. "Stupid mixers!"

I just hope she was prepared.

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