kiss kiss

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rachel was at home that night laid in bed thinking of their kiss it was magical she thought she kept replaying it over and over in her mind. she also thought of how she had cuddled up to him and he hadnt rejected her she made the first move she had kissed his cheek then was worried she had got it wrong but he had kissed her back thry they had kissed she felt her lips as she thought of it. she wondered what would happen now he didnt seem to regret it she sure didnt.


sebastian was sat on his couch with a smile on his face tinking of the days events god he wanted to kiss her again he wanted to more than kiss her but he wasnt gonna rush her. he hoped she wanted something with him it would have to be a secret but there was something exciting about that though he would happily let the world know he had kissed the most beautiful girl.

he sat there thinking of things to do at school would be to risky especially given the gossipers in glee he would slip her his number. then they could arrange to meet up he thought but then he thought if they were seen then he looked around his house which he was renting could they not hang out here he wondered would she think going to his place was a sign he wanted to more than she was ready to give. then he wondered was she ready he knew she had an ex boyfriend was she a virgin or not. as he sat there he became excited and decided to have a cold shower.

the next day

sebastian was sat in his office he didnt have a class first period so he was catching up on some college work when their was a knock on his door.

"come in" he said he was shocked to see her

"oh my god marley" he said getting up and hugging his younger half sister

" mom said i could tranfer here think she wants you to keep an eye on me" marley said marley was 16 when sebastian was four years old his parents divorced his mom had remarried and had marley.

"so does this mean the new directions will be lucky enough to have you"he asked marley had suffered with an eating disorder and he was very protective of her.

"if you will have me"marley said

"ofcourse we will we have practise this aftermoon"sebastian said marley hugged him and left.

as hecwas then on his wsy to teach a music class he saw rachel she shyly smiled at him vlearly she knew not to let to much on but he knew by the twinkle of her eyes that she didnt regret it.


as rachel saw sebastian her heart fluttered and her tummy flipped it had never donevthat when she saw finn  thevway he looked at her made her feel special she couldnt wait for glee club.


rachel walked into the choir room to find sebastian hugging a girl she didnt know she felt alittle sick at seeing him doing that what did it mean was he after a few girls at the school as she stood there he turned and saw ger he winked at her.

"ah marley come meet rachel the best of the new directions"he said

"hi im marley"the girl said

"she is my younger sister"sebastian told ravhel maybe he had picjed up on something about her that made him tell her who marley was or rather why his arm was around her.

"oh i see"rafhel ssid smiling at marley.

rachel went and sat doen marley say ne t to her which pissed kurt off.


as he gave the lesson he noticed rachel and marley seemed to actually hit it off after all they were both great singers.

as the lesson came to an end and the others filed out of the room both rachel and marley hung back which he noticed.

"you wanting a lift home" sebastian asked marley

" would you mind" marley asked

" no here take the keys go wait in the car i need to get something from my office  i will be a few minutes"sebastian said as marley took the car keys and left leaving him alone with rachel. he nodded towards his office which was more private than the choir room its self.

he let her enter the office first and shut the door behind himself he turned to look at her she was smiling up at him he cupped her face before leaning down and kissing her they both got lost in the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck he snaked his own around her waist pulling her to him. he felt himself stir and knew she felt it but she didht move away they kept kissing.

after breaking apart for air he took his phone out

"can i have your number"he asked she handed him her phone for him to put his number in she took his to put hers in.

they then kissed again

"would you be willing to meet me outside of school tomorrow night"he asked

"yes"she saidcwith a bright smile that made him melt

"i hope younfont tnink me forward but our situation isnt the best so we have to be carefull so would you like to come to my house for dinner"he asked he was worried she might think he was after something

"okay what time"she asked he was relieved she hadnt taken it the wrong way

" say 6.30pm"he said

"sounds great shall i bring anything she said

"just yourself" he said before they kissed again before she left .

sebastian headed to his car hoping marley wouldnt read to much into the grin that was making his face actually hurt

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