taking chances

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the next day at school sebastian found himself whistling to himself as he sorted out some paperwork in his office he hadnt stopped smiling since their date last night he had woken up smiling his face was hurting he had atually thought of getting some asprin from the local pharmacy but had decided to let his face hurt as a reminder.

he saw rachel at her locker on his was to his classroom for the first lesson of the day they shared a quick smile but as the hllway was packed with other students  they didnt risk speaking to each other.

then at lunch time he decided to sort some song lyrics out for a music lesson he was planning he was in the choir room stood by the piano and was reading the lyrics all the songs he had chosen were love songs he read one song which really spoke to hi. it was a song by little mix a british girl group it was called secret love song part two he had known they had song the part one with jason derulo. 

the lyrics fit him and rachel so well

we have to hide on the outside
we're i cant be your
and you cant be mine

we keep behind closed doors
everytime i see you i die a little more
stolen moments that we steal
as the curtains falls

the song reminded him so much of his situation with rachel he wanted hwr to hear it then it occured to him he had a piano at his house she was a singer. their second date  they could order chinese and spend the evening singing together it might sound cheesy to some but for rachel berry he knew it was gonna be another perfect date.

at the end of the day he was once more in his office when he heared the door open and  close then he felf arms wrap round him he turned to kiss her as they got lost in the kiss.

" rach will you come to mine tomorrow" sebastian asked as they pulled away

" sure" she said cuddling into him he had his arms round her holding her close she was so cuddley he thought

" so our second date it planned then"he said she looked up at him he stared into her chocolate eyes

"it is"rachel giggled he loved how much more confident she was becoming around him now.

" so you like chinese food i hope" he asked

"your not gonna cook for me" rachel asked

" well i will if you want me too" he replied

" i do" rachel said

" okay then i guess im cooking" sebastian said

"good i promise i will make it up for you sweating over a hot stove" rachel said kissing him then turned ans walked out of his office leaving him stood there shocked did she mean things were gonna be getting serious or was it she hadnt meant it like that either way he need to have a cold shower. he also knew it would be several minutes before he could leave his office god rachel made his body come alive.


rachel made her way to her car with a smile on her face after all she knew what she had implied and the truth was she wanted to be with him. she had slept with finn only twice and that was because she had made him wait so long she felt she was being unfair when the reality was she wasnt ready but sebastian was different. he wasnt pushing her or making hints at what he wanted but in the brief time she had known sebastian she felt closer to him than the six months she had been with finn. he was rsspectfull plus sebastian did something that not many people did he liked her for who she was. she was no cheerleader she was a determind broadwsy star which isnt that commmon she admits and that can make her stand out from the crowd and while people like quinn amd santana thought that made rachel an easy victim rachel was pleased after all no one mkes it on broadway by been one of the crowd. sebastian encouraged her to be herself he stuck up for her and he seemed to find her intriguing.

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