Chapter 4

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I woke up groggily, suddenly remembering yesterday's events. He heard me. He knows I like him. I started having a panic attack until someone squeezed me between their arm...who??
I turned and saw Luke sleeping beside me. God he's so perfect. He's beautiful. I could just kiss him right now. So that's what I did. I leaned in and moved his hair out of his face and softly placed my lips on his. I was about to pull back when he started kissing me back. Well, he's awake now.
He scooted himself on top of me and started kissing me back with such fierce, I knew my lips were gonna be bruised later. He trailed kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. He kissed right below my ear and I let out a soft moan.
"There it is", Luke chuckled and began nipping, sucking, and kissing on my soft spot. Receiving inconsolable words from me.
I pushed him off of me, smacked his ass and went downstairs to make us breakfast. I blared music through my phone fixing the pancake mix and ever so slowly making pancakes. I added blueberries, chocolate chips, and strawberry to few because he loved the taste. He's so weird, I know. But man that boy drives me crazy.
I started hearing like piddle paddle down the stair way to greet me with his presence. He took a shower and only had boxers on. That boy is gonna be the death of me. He sat on the counter watching me flip the pancakes. However, when I went to go take a glance at him, he wasn't there.
"Where'd he go" I asked myself until I screamed suddenly feeling someone's hot breath on my neck and arms wrap around my waist. I turned to face him.
"Owww what was that for?!" Luke screamed at me.
"Don't scare me like that lukey!"
"You know you're really really sexy when you're mad" he winked at me, grabbed a pancake and sat back on the counter making a mess. I finished the pancakes. Put them on a plate for the both of us and we ate in silence.
When he finished he took both of our plates and put them into the dishwasher. He was about to head upstairs when I asked, "hey, where are you going?" Luke looked at me, smirked, then said "I'm getting ready for our date cutie, meet me back down here at 2!"

  ~~~~Later that day~~~~~~

    I stared at myself in the mirror and started getting sweaty palms.  What if this is a setup, or he won't like me after, or he's just trying to be nice and doesn't like me?! As if on cue Luke came into the room and told me not to worry. He yanked on my hands and pushed me against the wall. Actually almost slammed because that fucker hurt my back! He held my hands above my head and teased me leaning in and then out each time I tried to kiss him. Then out of no where he bit my lip. But I wasn't turned off by it. Just the opposite. I gave him a quick kiss before we treated downstairs and got into the car.
     I looked around everywhere trying to figure out where we were going. He pulled off the road and tied a blindfold over me. Hmm, that's new.
    After what seemed like a gajillion hours later, we finally arrived but...what is this?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N I am so sincerely sorry for not updating! I know it's almost been a year but I'm gonna try and start updating more frequently and I'm planning on writing a few new stories. One of which will be a one shot story so please message some suggestions or requests so I can start that ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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