Chapter 5

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"Hurry up Kae!"
I rolled my eyes at the sound of Mikayla's voice. She always tries to rush me whenever she really wants to go somewhere.

Ignoring her, I continued doing my make up. I dusted away the setting powder, then I looked through my vanity for a color. It's a shame that I have all these lipsticks, lip stains, and lip glosses, but I can't find a color I want to wear.

"Hey Faye." Jahmir came into the door that was closed. He better be glad I wasn't changing again. I do have on my robe though. It's as if he doesn't believe in knocking.

He attempted to put his hair into a bun, but the elastic popped. That almost always happens to him, which is why he goes through elastics like... I don't know. Socks. Or underwear.

"Do y-"

Before he could get the whole sentence out, I gave him the four black elastics off of my vanity.

"Thanks! I need to buy some more. I'll probably especially need some when I start doing gym."

I looked at him oddly when he said that. "Gym? But, didn't you pass that in ninth grade?"

"Yes. But umm, I'm going to have to do credit recovery for a semester. After that, I'm going to choose gym to replace it for the second semester."

Right. His grandma died when he was in the ninth grade. He slipped into a really bad depression. That depression caused his grades to slip. Every teacher worked with him except for the bitchy math teacher. It was almost as if she wanted him to fail. Never understood why she was so damn hard on him. He should have already done credit recovery to get that out the way, though. He almost failed both semesters. His grandma died around the end of the first semester and failing that last test made his grade drop down to a seventy.

Sadly I'm going to have to do gym this year too. I failed it when I was in the ninth grade. Somehow I was able to avoid taking it my sophomore and junior year. Now I'm absolutely going to have to take it this year. It shouldn't even be a requirement to pass it.

"If your hair is such a hassel, why don't you just cut it off?" There was a time when his hair damn near swept the ground. He had to keep it in braids or a bun.

He sat behind me on my bed. I could see the sadness in his eyes through my vanity.

"My grandma got upset when I cut off all my hair for her. She loved the wig and was happy about the gesture, but she knew how much I loved my long hair. I loved her more, though. And I'd see how deeply sad it made her to not have her hair. It was hurting her, so I put my feelings aside to make her happy. I had the ability to grow mine back. She couldn't. It only seemed fair. But... the point of that was to say, she told me to never completely cut my hair off again. After some time, she made me promise to only cut my hair if that's what I truly want."

Wow, I had no idea. I never questioned him about why he cut his hair. I knew he liked it a lot, but I figured he just wanted a change. I'm sure one day he will cut it all off though.

"I'm sorry Jahmir."

He shrugged before his eyes dropped to the floor. There was an awkward silence between us, but I'm the one who spoke first.

"Help me pick a color?"

He got up and came to stand beside me. "This one." He picked out a bright color, but I quickly shot it down. "Why even buy it if you aren't going to use it?"

He wouldn't understand. It's a girl thing. We love having bold options for days that we want to step outside our comfort zone. That would be like me asking him why he has a hundred pair of shoes though. I don't feel like arguing with him right now though. Every time I state my opinion, he swears I'm arguing.

"Red then. Can't go wrong with a nice red."

"Mmm, no. I'm going with a nude."

He narrowed his eyes at me before heading for the door. "Do you." He chuckled before walked out. He always has an attitude lately.

Again, it's a girl thing. He wouldn't understand.

Despite Mikayla's constant desire to rush me, I took my sweet time getting ready. I chose to wear and outfit I recently got. None of my old clothes really look nice. At least not the ones that I can actually wear.

Going downstairs, I could see her and Jahmir sitting on the sofa. Her tripod was set up and Jahmir was just getting done saying something.

"And that's all the time we have today. I'll see you all in my next video, which will most likely be yet another haul. Bye guys!"

She got up and turned her camera off.


I nodded then he got up.

"Come on little girl."

Mikayla rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm a grown woman Jay. Don't get it twisted."

that, she walked outside. That's her problem right there. She acts way older than her age. Mom acts more like her friend than her mother. She isn't strict with her at all, but I guess that isn't my fault.

"Wanna drive?" He questioned as he held up his keychain.

I rolled my eyes then went towards the door. As if I really want to drive that place.

"Faye can you... nevermind."

I'm sick of him doing that. He never used to talk in half ass sentences. Don't know why he acts like he can't just say what's on his mind.

"No Jahmir, just say what you want to say. Stop sugar coating shit."

"I'll stop 'sugar coating shit' when you stop treating me like I'm an enemy or I'm out to hurt you. I told you I was sorry for not spending much time with you this summer, but I'm here now. I can't please everybody."


"Just forget it. Let's just go."

He signed then walked out the door. I locked the door behind me then walked over to his car.

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