Chapter: 7-8

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Chapter Seven

Ashley wasn’t happy, but then again, he very rarely was. He didn’t see why Cheryl would want to move from her vast, beautiful home for a few days and in to “Kimberley’s poky flat” as he called it. 

Cheryl rolled her eyes at him as she put another vest top in to her hold all, “If I was upset, you’d want to know that I had someone with me wouldn’t you”? she asked, although she wasn’t really expecting him to answer. He was far too busy reclining on the bed, playing with his mobile phone. 

“If you ask me Justin had a lucky escape” Ashley mumbled sarcastically.

“You’re such a D***head” Cheryl replied, her tone letting her husband know that she was in no mood to be polite. It was all she could do not to shout and scream at him at the best of times, but when he was acting the way he was, it always made her blood boil. 

“Well it was hardly the most exciting relationship around was it”? Ashley retorted, realising that he had hit a nerve with his wife but continuing anyway. 

“Like this one you mean”? Cheryl bit back, her voice rising as she threw a few more bits and pieces in to her bag. 

“At least they actually spent a bit of time together, he didn’t spend all his free time with his mates” she continued, her anger rising even more when she seen the smug look on his face as he still insisted on playing with his phone.

“He didn’t want to marry her though did he” Ashley argued back, seeing that he was coming out on top he pushed it further, “Not that I’m surprised

Cheryl lifted her holdall up off the bed and threw it hard on to the floor. She walked over to the bedside table and grabbed her straighteners, putting them in another bag.

“Why do you always do this”? she asked, letting the anger rise in her voice, in the beginning of the relationship she would always make an effort to subdue herself, let him win the occasional argument or not bother to fight back, but right at that moment, she really couldn’t care less. 

“Do what”? he asked with an incredulous laugh. 

Slag her off” she shouted back.

“Why does it annoy you so much when I do”? he shot back quickly, avoiding answering the question. 

She didn’t stick around to answer his question, instead she grabbed her holdall and walked out of the bedroom, pulling the door shut until it gave a satisfying bang. 


“You really didn’t have to do this” came Kimberley’s voice as she took Cheryl’s bags from her at the front door and let her in to her flat. 

“Oh trust me, if I’d have stayed in that house for a minute longer I’d have been arrested for murder” Cheryl replied, picking up the only remaining bag and walking behind Kimberley, in to her living room area. 

Kimberley laughed and went to say something but thought better of it. Instead she shoved Cheryl’s heavy holdall in to the spare room and walked in to the kitchen. 

She started to wash some pots in the sink, turning when she felt Cheryl’s presence in the kitchen. The girl was stood in the doorway, casually leaning against it, watching her. 

“Would you like the grand tour”? Kimberley laughed. She grabbed a towel and dried her hands before pulling out one of the stools and sitting down, gesturing for Cheryl to do the same. 

“I think I’m pretty familiar with the rooms in this flat Kimberley” Cheryl replied with a wink as she sat down opposite the girl on the other stool. 

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