Chapter: 17

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Chapter Seventeen

“Take me with you” Cheryl repeated, wiping away the endless drops of rain that were falling on to her face. Kimberley didn’t say anything, The cold rain had already soaked her hair, making it lie flat against her face, her clothes had begun to become damp and she cold vaguely feel the cold of the wind battering against her exposed flesh, but it wasnt any of that which she was focusing on.

In fact, if it wasnt for the sight of the younger girl stood before her, she might not even have remembered it was raining, she couldn’t feel the wind whipping against her arms and giving her goose pimples. The only thing she could think about was Cheryl and what she had said.

The weight of her words seemed to sit on Kimberley’s shoulders as she looked deeply in to Cheryl’s eyes, she wasn’t quite sure what she was looking for in them, maybe it was an answer, or an unspoken promise that what she was saying was true, and that she wasnt going to take her heart and break it somewhere along the way. 

“Please” Cheryl begged, her voice was so strained that her word came out as nothing but a whisper.

Kimberley fished her keys from her bag and opened the car door before getting inside, leaving Cheryl stood on the pathway alone.

The younger girl swallowed hard as she heard the sound of Kimberley’s engine starting up. She watched as the car gently rolled passed her, the wind screen wipers doing their best to clear the windscreen but failing miserably. 

The tyres crunched against the gravel of the pathway as Cheryl watched the car rolling down the garden path. She had already decided she wouldnt make it any harder by running after Kimberley, it wouldnt have done any good anyway. She was just about to turn on her heels and head back inside when the car came to a stop a few feet ahead of her. 

Kimberley leaned over to the passenger side and swung the door open from the inside but didnt get out of the car. 

Cheryl frowned before walking carefully across the slippery path way and up to the car, she got in and shut the door before looking across at Kimberley. 

The older girl didnt say anything, instead she turned her head back towards the windscreen and drove off in silence out of Cheryl’s driveway. 


“Where are we going?” Cheryl asked after a few minutes of awkward silence. She kept her gaze fixed out of the windscreen, watching the windscreen wipers clear away the rain that was still lashing down heavily.

“Where do you want to go?” Kimberley asked, her deep, broad voice cutting through the air. For the first time since they were at the house she turned and looked at the younger girl. Their eyes seemed to find each other instantly, neither one of them saying anything but neither wanting to be the first to look away either. 

In the end, Kimberley had to look away to check on the road, although she turned around briefly to find that Cheryl was still looking at her. She smiled and looked away, the intensity of Cheryl’s stare was to much for her to take, it was as if she could see in to her soul, as if she knew exactly what Kimberley was thinking and what she was feeling. 

“I want to be with you” Cheryl said simply, she let her hand fall on to Kimberley’s hand as it griped at the gear stick of the car.

“Why?” Kimberley asked with a frown, Cheryl laughed at the question, the smile on her face fading somewhat when she turned around to face Kimberley and realised by the look on the girls face, that she was being serious, and she actually wanted to know the answer. 

“Because...” Cheryl started, she took a deep breath as she tried to compose her answer in her head. She took hold of Kimberley’s hand and held it for a while before continuing. 

“Because you complete me” 


Kimberley smiled, it was a simple answer, yet to her it said so much. Those words told her as much as she needed to know, and it was enough for her. 

She nodded her head as she offered Cheryl a warm smile. She flicked on her indicator and turned left on to a large motorway. 

Cheryl smiled back at her, one of those wide, heart achingly beautiful smiles that only Cheryl seemed to be able to muster. Her eyes flashed with that strange, yet wonderful mix of desire and awe as she looked at kimberley.

“Ive never loved anyone as much as i love you right now” the younger girl said, she gave Kimberley’s hand a quick squeeze before letting it go so that she could change gears. 

“Ive never loved anyone as much as i love you for the past eight years”

Cheryl smiled, her cheeks going a little flushed as she let herself revel in Kimberley’s words, she looked out of the window for a sign that would give her a clue as to where they were heading but she didnt know. She douhe Endbted Kimberley knew either, but for once, it didnt seem to matter to her. 

It didnt matter where they were heading or where they would end up, all that mattered to her was what was going on right now, and as she looked over to Kimberley, watching her as she went about her usual buisness of driving the car, taking note of the way her lips had fallen in to the perfect smile, she realised that the fluttering that she was feeling in the pit of her stomach wasnt nerves or doubt or regret, this time it was love, and of that she had no doubt at all.

The end

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