The Seduction Begins

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So, I wrote this for my cousin for Christmas. The OC, Eliza, is actually my cousin. She's a huge Ed fangirl, so I wrote a love story about her and Ed. Aw, so sweet! Haha. Rate R for a lime :D


It started as a typical day for Edward and Alphonse Elric. Roy Mustang told them to head back to Risembool to update Ed's automail and to take it easy for a while. That's exactly what they were doing.

They were about to knock on the door that was Winry and Pinako's. Edward raised his hand to knock when the door swung open.

"Ed! Al!" Winry exclaimed as she embraced them. "I'm so glad that you're back safely!"

"Yeah, yeah, Winry," Ed scoffed as he reluctantly returned the hug. "Don't we always come back in one piece?"

"Winry!" Al hugged them both even though he was twice their size.

Winry was still hugging them with a teary-eyed smile. "I know you always come home safe and sound, but what happens that one day when you don't?"

Ed was about to answer when he was interrupted by someone. "Boys, come inside. It's too chilly for you to just stand around out there."

Ed chuckled. "Hey, Pinako!"

"Long time no see!" Al chimed in.

"I guess I should get started on your arm and leg right away." Winry said as she closed the door behind them.

"Nah," Ed said. "Mustang said we should take it easy for a while, and I would rather wait to get my automail tuned-up."

Winry stomped her foot impatiently. "Ed! We need to get the hard stuff over with so you can relax!"

"How about you eat first and argue later?" Pinako led them into the kitchen where she had the table set for them all to eat. Of course, Al sat at the table to be polite but did not actually eat anything.

After dinner, Winry got started on Ed's automail. He screamed in pain and agony. He writhed against the bed which he lay upon. Winry knew it was hard for him, yet she also knew it had to be done. It didn't take long before his arm and leg were the right length.

Ed spent a few hours sleeping after the tune-up. He did not wake up until Al shook him from sleep.

"Ed," Al began slowly. "Pinako needs me to buy some supplies from the market, and I don't really want to go alone…"

Ed propped himself up on his arms even though he was still groggy with sleep. "What about Winry?"

"Winry wants us to have 'brotherly bonding time.'"

"'Bonding time'? Doesn't she know we spend literally every moment together?"

"Well…" Al nervously poked his fingers together. "She may have actually said that she was a lady, and that we shouldn't make the women do the work this late at night, and that it would help us become closer together through perseverance…"

"Oh, that's more like it. Say, it isn't that late, is it?"

"It's nine o'clock."

Ed unwilling got out of bed and got dressed. "Let's go, Al."

Ed, Al, and Den walked the long path to one of the only markets in Risembool. They passed a few farms along the way, all of which were well-known.

They reached the market and got Pinako's groceries without a hassle. It wasn't until they were about to check out when Al glanced over his brother's shoulders.

"Wow, Brother!" Al said enthusiastically. "Look at that girl behind you! She's gorgeous!"

"We came here to shop, not so you could check out girls, Al." Ed turned around, but his frown immediately pursed into a barely-there pout. A light blush tinted his cheeks. "Wow…"

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