Ed's Boast

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My bunnies are bad! Well, here is chapter two.


Ed awoke to the scent of pancakes. He was groggy and delirious for only a brief moment. He yawned and looked around, registering his surroundings. Then, it hit him like a ton of bricks: he had spent the night over Eliza's.

He heard a faint humming and looked over from where he was lying on the couch. He did not remember when, but sometime during their rendezvous, the couch turned into a futon. Suddenly, a draft hit him and he realized he was naked. Everything came back to him about the night before.

"Eliza!" he called has he jumped up and pulled on his boxers.

She had already put on her blue nightie from the night previous. She chuckled and said, "Yes, Ed. I'm still here!"

"I've…never done anything like that before…" Ed's jaw slacked and his eyes widened as he replayed the night before in his mind.

She laughed again. "I suspected not. It was wonderful, wasn't it? Here, I made some pancakes."

Ed walked over to find semi-burnt pancakes in a pan. Eliza placed chocolate milk on the table. "I don't like milk…" he said.

"You have to drink milk if you want to have strong bones! Besides, chocolate milk is good!"

They quarreled for a bit. After compromising that Eliza got to drink Ed's milk if he got water, he ate the overdone pancakes with no complaints. When he was finished his meal, he glanced at the clock.

"Aw, Hell!" He yelled as he quickly placed his dishes in the sink.

"Is there something wrong?" Eliza asked politely.

"It's Al! He's going to be worried sick! Do you mind if I go and explain things to everyone then come back here for you? We can go on a date or something."

Eliza smiled. "That sounds wonderful! I think everyone should know of our love. It's real. It is. But I'll be waiting here for you; I have to get dressed and make myself look decent."

"You look beautiful, but alright. See ya!" Ed gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before he threw on his clothes and went left for Al.

When he arrived, with a new-found pride, he threw open the door without knocking.

"Brother!" Al exclaimed as he stood up to embrace his brother.

"I am now a man." Ed grinned.

"Ed…" Winry spoke softly as she walked up to him. "Ed, why did you spend the night with a strange girl?"

"Winry, I have done things. I'm not a little kid anymore." Ed scoffed.

Winry looked down, almost shamefully. "Ed, please tell me you didn't do anything stupid or reckless."

Ed's eyes rolled. "Please. I love her, and I'm not about to leave her. I want to be there for her forever."

Before Ed could see what was coming, Winry slapped him hard across the face. "Ed, you are so immature! You know nothing about love, and you especially do not love this girl! You just met; there is absolutely no way that you even know enough to like her, let alone love!"

"You don't know what you're talking about!" yelled Ed.

"Brother, she has a point. What if Eliza is a homunculus?"

"You take that back!" Ed snapped as he charged Al.

"I said 'what if'!" Al deftly avoided Ed's advance.

"A homunculus isn't capable of love, Al!" Ed countered.

Winry stepped in. "You know what, neither are you, Ed! So she's probably not a homunculus, but you certainly can't love each other."

"Just because you've never been in love doesn't mean I can't be!"

Before anyone else had a chance to respond, the door swung open. Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye walked through the door.

"Ah, glad to find the Elric brothers here," Roy said.

"Mustang?" Ed crinkled his noise. "What are you doing here?"

Mustang disregarded Ed's questions. "Boys, there is an emergency. We need you to come back to Central right away."

"But, we can't just leave!" Al whined.

"I can't! I have a woman who's waiting for me!" wailed Ed.

Pinako stepped away from the wall in which she had been standing by since Ed returned. "You will leave. You have to accept that you are part of the military, and they need you."

"Ed, please…just be careful." Winry gave him one last teary-eyed hug before they all said their quick goodbyes.

Ed couldn't stop thinking about Eliza. He felt guilty. He didn't know where she was going next, and there was nothing he could do. He was leaving. He had to leave. There was no point in trying to fight Mustang and his crew. They would catch him. He only could hope that she would understand, but, more importantly, that he would see her again.


I am probably going to finish long stories before I post them. Therefore, no one is waiting! I hate waiting, but I always make people wait.

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