The Beginning!

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Disclaimer: Do not own Harry Potter or any Characters.

Also since I have had many complaints about this, Hermione is a boy in this. And since I have had many complaints, I will start changing every Hermione to Hermion. (Her-Men)

Chapter One:

Harry awoke to his best mate in their bed, snuggled up close to him. He got up and poked the other boy on his cheek. Hermion awoke and gave a smile to the half naked Harry.

"You seem more of a girl now that you don't need glasses anymore. Guess it was a slightly good thing that Weasel broke your glasses for the...... Eighth?.... time in two months." Hermion said getting up and scratching his chest.

Harry was wearing Hermion's pajama shirt. Neither found their antics awkward. They were used to dressing in front of each other and other junk since Harry moved into the head boy room with Hermion for their eighth year of Hogwarts. Harry got up and stretched. The stretch made the shirt ride up a little on his legs, showing his new tattoos and soft feminine legs.

Hermion got up and hugged Harry from behind. Harry giggled softly as Hermion stated that Harry was supposedly the cutest thing in the world. Too bad you only think me as a brother, Hermion thought. Harry removed himself from Hermion.

"I have to get ready for my Slytherin day." Harry said softly.

Harry looked through his clothes as Hermion grumbled about food and house elves and something about them.Being misunderstood, that is.

Harry decided to look back a little to the day he met Hermion Weasley had thought Hermion was a girl due to the spelling his name and the way he wore himself. But when they were called up, Hermion was called up as Mr. Hermion Granger. He remembered how embarrassed Ron Weasley looked. Harry came back to himself as he heard Hermion come back with an extra pair of footsteps.

"You've a visitor, Harry." Hermion said in a questioning tone.

"Mm." he said in acknowledgement. He turned toward Hermion. He dropped his robes and looked at the Slytherin. It was Blaise Zabini. Malfoy's Italian henchmen. He shrugged and turned to the side slightly to pick up his robes. Harry turned completely going back through his and Hermion's clothes.

Hermion watched Zabini as he eyed Harry as if he was a drunk Seamus Finnigan dipped in chocolate. Hermion followed his gaze to Harry's perky ass covered in soft cotton and lace, and the tattoos that stretched across his thighs and ended at his hip bones. One was of a clock with no hands mixed in with forever blooming roses that reached just before his calf. One the other side was a knight of some sort guarding a box with a heart shaped lock. Both showed completely due to the way the shirt was cut. Hermion walked over to Harry touching his legs above the tattoos lightly.

Harry let out a small moan giving a small shiver to accompany it. Hermion looked at the Slytherin. He noticed that it wasn't Harry that Zabini watched anymore as he gulped. It was Hermion.

"P-Potter... you are... um... you are to be in the potions lab right now due to the project... that... uh... you and Draco couldn't do." Zabini stuttered.

Harry looked at the Slytherin curiously before it clicked on what he meant. He had totally forgot that he and Malfoy had to do a makeup test due to their Little mishap after the war. Harry dressed quickly not caring if Zabini saw his little fetish, and then he left with a piece of toast between his rosebud lips. he ran out the room grabbing his bag from Hermion.

"When did he get those tattoos?" Zabini asked.

"July 31st, his birthday. The night I regret the most." Hermion said with a sigh.

"why's that?"

"I turned down a very submissive, unfortunately drunk, Harry. If I hadn't said no then his true love wouldn't have the privilege in taking his virginity." Hermion said getting dressed.

"Harry is a virgin?!"

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