Chapter 11

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*The next morning (Dawn, Ban, and Sebastian)*

The next morning Dawn was still in shock that her two best friends were no longer living. She couldn't believe this was happening. Then out of nowhere the front door busted open. "Who THE HELL LEFT US IN THAT HOUSE TO DIE!!" Silver yelled through the house. Dawn jumped to her feet and ran to the door. "You're alive?" She said in tears.

"Shut the hell up, Dawn. YOU LEFT ME AND LUNA THERE! IN A BURNING HOUSE." Silver through a punch at Dawn and hit her right in the eye.

"Ow Silver!" She screamed holding her eye. Dawn gave Silver a good stare down and saw that one of Silver's eyes were gray. "What happened to your left eye?" She asked looking closely.

Silver got quiet for a second. "I'm blind in that eye now and don't ask me where Luna is because I don't know. All I know is that she saved me. She put me in one of her magic bubbles and that's how I survived, but then something happened and the bubble popped. I think it's because she is really gone...for good."

"No if you're here then she has to be too." Ban said standing on the stairs.

"No she is gone."

"Silver!" Sabastian said walking to in the front door. "Is that really you?"

"Yep the one and only." Silver said with a smile.

Sabastian ran and gave her a big hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again." he said not letting Silver go for one second.

"Yes okay can you let me go now because I am going to go kill Marcie and make her pay for killing my best friend!" Silver said almost yelling. "But first we have to train so we don't get beat" Dawn said with a stern face on. "Yes so we can avenge Luna's death" Silver said going to the backyard and started stretching.

"I will train Dawn." Ban said looking at her. Dawn looked like she was going to die when Ban said that. "Are you coming Dawn?" Ban said standing at the door. "Coming!" Dawn said while walking over there sluggish like. "Good. Then, I will train Silver." he said looking at her.

"We don't have time for anymore training." Sabastian said looking at everyone and let out a long sigh. "They are going to know that we are on to them and then they're going to move their location. And we can't have that can we."

"He does have a point and I know how to fight." Silver said with a smile that turned into a frown. "Luna taught me last summer when I told her this girl was picking on me." Silver shook her head at herself and looked up and Dawn.

"Do you need help or not because we don't have long to find them." Silver said putting her shoes on.

"Wait." Dawn said looking at all of them. "Do we even know where they are.

"When Luna was beating that guy he said something about a building next to where her and Ban meet, but she didn't tell me was building." Silver said looking at Ban because he was the one who was supposed to know.

Ban looked at her and then looked at the ground while thinking to himself. "I think it's the abandoned building that used to be a hospital for crazy people." He said with a finger on his chin.

Sabastian grabbed Luna's car keys and walked to the door. "Then let's go." Everyone walked behind him.

"Wait." Ban said walking back into the house.

"What is it now." Silver said rolling her eyes.

Ban walking out with Luna's wooden bat in his hand. "Okay we can go now."

Silver wanted to smack him in the head, but she knew that, that bat made him feel closer to Luna.

*In Front of the abandoned building*

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