Chapter 2

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Ellen pov

I'm at the mall buying some cloths with Cole. He is at a different store while I'm at another store. I am picking out a dress because Cole's mom ask us to come to her halloween party. I know I should pick a custom out but his family is rich, so i have to wear something fancy. I'm thinking a black dress so I could do a smoky eye but I don't know. Next thing I know I see Cole walking in, so I hurried to check out. He comes over to me.

"So your gonna wear black," Cole said.

"Yes," I said.

"That will be $400.56 please," the store lady said.

"Ok,here" I said.

I gave her my credit card and then left. Cole and I was walking for a bit until he told me he was hungry. So we went to eat at Taco Bell. While he was eating I went to the bathroom. While I walking to the bathroom, I saw a couple holding hands and laughing. I started to remember how Cole and I was like that. I miss him smiling at me, I miss him hugging me. I just miss everything. After I was done in the bathroom I walk back and notice Cole talking to some girl. When I got closer she hurry up and left.

"Who was that," I said

"Oh just some girl," Cole said

"Oh ok" I said with a smirk

He look at me and walk away. I started to walk behind him. Then we got to the car. When we got in the car, Cole instantly slap me across the face. I look at him and he started the car. After the long quiet ride we finally got to the house.

"I'm still hungry," Cole said

"Well my face hurts" I said

"So I'm hungry" he said

"Well that's a personal problem" I said

"Oh really it is" he said

"Yup" I said

"You know a wife shouldn't talk to her husband like that" said Cole

"Well a husband should never hit his wife!" I said with an attitude

"Well you got me mad," Cole said

"How I didn't do anything, all I said was who is that!" I said

"Don't yell at me Ellen" he said

"Why what are going to do Cole," I said walking towards him

Then Cole got up and hit me in the face. I got up and push him. Then Cole got up and started to slam me into the wall. I try to grab him but he threw me against the mirror. I then touch my head and see blood. I freak out and start to punch him until I saw blood then I ran upstairs as fast as I could because I notice how mad he was. I hurry up to the bathroom and lock the door. I heard him beating against the door and yelling let me in. I got scared and went into the corner. I kept hearing him beat the door. Then finally he got in, I started to shake furiously. Cole walk over and grab me and threw my against another mirror. Then he slam to the ground and started to punch me. All I could see was the blood on his hand. Then I kick him in his private part and started to run. I ran into the bedroom and got in the corner and began to cry. I heard his loud footsteps coming. I started to cry harder. Then I look up and saw Cole. Cole then grab me and hold me against him. He look at my eyes.

"Please Cole don't hurt me please," I said with tears in my eyes

Cole look at me.

"Please" I said softly.

Then he let go and went on the chair. I was laying on the floor and crying. I was crying so many tears. There was a big puddle of blood on the floor. Me and Cole sat there in silence. He was looking at me with concern. I got up and started to walk towards the door.

"Where you going?" Cole said

"To the bathroom to clean up," I said

"Why," he said

"Because your parents party is tonight," I said

"Ok, are going to grab your dress" Cole said

"Yeah" I said softly

I then walk to the closet, grab my dress and then went to the bathroom. When I went to the bathroom I lock the door. I look at all the blood on the floor and started to cry again. Then I went towards the mirror to look at myself.

"Oh God"I said while holding my face.

I look at all the bruises and dried up blood. I began to cry more harder. I started to think why Cole did this but again I was use to this.

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