The PDP: Part 3

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"Care to explain what the heck that was?!?!?" I demand.

"I heard it too." He says so dramatically with a tone in his voice that meant that this was getting more serious than either of us thought it could get. "What exactly did you hear?" He asked me as if we both thought we didn't have the same encounter.

"Well when I ran inside, the room started to spin and everything went blurry and my head pounded, I also couldn't hear or see properly. Then I heard a loud whisper 'Kaaarinaaa!' I responded and then nothing. How about you? What did you hear?"

"Well it was blurry and whatever else you said and it whispered, 'Ryyaaan! Beeewaaare!' Then it stopped."

"Beware? Beware of what?" I ask knowing he won't know the answer but just to put it out there.

Just then his window shutters fly open and gray clouds fill the sky. Thunder crashes. Lightning flashes. I'm scared. Ryan pulls me in close and hugs me as I start to tear up. We heard the same voice we heard last night, except this time louder, and we could see and hear perfectly fine. It just felt as if time had stopped and no one else knew this was happening. Only us.

"Emeline...Ryan...Beeewaaare!!!" The mysterious voice boomed.

"Wh-who's there? What do you want from us?" Ryan yelled looking around not knowing who he was actually talking to. "Show yourself!"

Just as Ryan said that, thunder crashed and lightening flashed... Then there was a soft thud. Thud. THUD. Slowly getting louder as if getting closer.

All of sudden a bright, white light came from underneath the door and a light fog fell from under the door and filled the room.

The figure of a slender man slowly appeared through the door. He had a pained expression on his face like he just got kicked in the shin and looked straight forward. He was very, very tall and skinny. He was as pale as ghost and had sleak silver hair like he was from the 50's.

"Beware of what?" I ask, surprised at how confident I sound. It was unlike me to be the brave one in this situation while Ryan was right beside me who seemed to be scared out of his pants.

"Geet oouut!!! Get out of town! You don't want to be here. Terrible things have happened here and terrible things will happen. To you!"

"What kind of, terrible things?" I ask nervously, not wanting an answer.

"Unmentionable things." The creepy man gives a sly, warning grin. Thunder and lightning crash and flash and finally the long-awaited rain is pounding against the side of the house.

Ryan and I gasp simultaneously and pause for a long moment.

"When those unmentionable things happen and you wish you should have left while could but it's too late, don't say I didn't warn you."

We're now wondering what dreadful events might be in store for us.

The ghost floats backwards out of the closed door and the smoke clears while the lights die-down. "BEEWAARE!!!" He bellows one last time. The rain stops and everything seems to go back to the way it was left. The sun shining and the birds chirping at mid-day.

I hop out into the hallway to see if the strange man was still there while Ryan runs to the window. There was no man, no smoke, no light, nothing,  absolutely normal. There was no sign of any rain or a thunderstorm.

"What. The heck. Was that!?!?"

I exclaim still frightened and ready to cry.

A look of sheer terror was still frozen over my brother's face. "I have no clue. All I know is that something is going to happen to us. Something unmentionable.

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