Chapter 16

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Bellamy's pov
"Octavia! Giselle!" I yell looking trough the camp for them
"You're up?" I asked Clarke
"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." Clarke said
"Raven's flares will work."
"Her radio would've worked better."
"Have you seen Octavia? Or Giselle?" I asked impatiently
"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies and Giselle is always with her"
"Clarke, I've checked the camp. She's not here."
"Ok. I'll help you find her. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents"
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia and Giselle"
Giselle's pov
"Hello? Is anybody here? He fixed it?" Octavia said looking down at her leg.
"He put something on the cut on my head to" I said
"Why would he help us?" Octavia asked
"I don't know, but I'm glad he did. Are you okay Octavia ?"
"Yeah I think so. You?"
"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. I'll be better when we get out of here."
"I don't see him anywhere do you?" Octavia asked
"No lets get out of here before he comes back." I said getting up only to fall back down.
"Hey what's wrong?" Octavia asked
"I think I might be a little bit more dizzy than I thought."
"You can't go out there. You can hardly move"
"I'm fine" I said stumbling
"No your not stay here I'll bring help back."
"I can-
"No Giselle stay"
"Woof" I said putting my hands up in a paw motion as she walked away
Not to long after she left she was back being carried by the same grounder who helped us and he was chaining her to the wall before grabbing me and taking me to the same wall and chaining me up too.
"I see the escaping thing went well" I said to Octavia
"Shut up" she muttered under her breath.
"I saw Roma in the woods which means Bellamy's out there somewhere. He'll find us but we need that key" Octavia whispered to me nodding her head to the key around the grounders wrist.
"Well he seems to like you. You get it and knock him out so we can get out of here." I whispered back
"Do you think you can walk now?"
"Yeah I don't feel as dizzy as before"
I don't even really know how but she did it. Octavia knocked him out. Now we just got to get the bloody key, but a noise at the entrance stopped us.
"Bellamy?" Octavia and I asked
"Octavia, Giselle" Bellamy said
"Get the key." Octavia said
"Monroe, watch the entrance." Bellamy said. Getting Octavia and I out of the chains and then hugging Octavia and I
"It's ok. You're ok." He said to Octavia
"How did you find me?" Octavia asked
"Followed him." Bellamy said
"We should go. Now. Before he wakes up." Octavia said
"He's not gonna wake up." Bellamy said
"Can we please just get out of here" I said before seeing nothing but black yet again.

Wouldn't have it any other way (A Bellamy Blake Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now