Chapter Five

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~Vanoss' POV~

As we finished getting situated, we walked out the door. We took a right and started wandering.

"Where are we going to go? Find another house?" I questioned, looking up from a rock that I've been kicking.

"Walk until we find something." Tyler respond, straight to the point.

"We should probably find a house, then go look for some sort of store. Like a Walmart or Target or something." Lui suggests, looking at Tyler.

"That'd be good." Tyler agrees.

Soon an awkward silence fell and all you could hear was the crunching of our feet on gravel. There were small groans in the distance, and you could see faint outlines of what I'm assuming are zombies.

Since Tyler was leading and Lui was in front of me, I took this opportunity to check them out. Tyler is tall and has a sturdy build, you can see muscle outlines through his shirt. He's wearing his pig mask but has brown hair, from what I saw before. Lui is shorter than him, and me, and doesn't look as strong as Tyler. He has brown hair and brown eyes, but was wearing a monkey mask right now. At the moment I was wearing a owl mask, and to be honest, if someone was opposite of us, we'd look intimidating as fuck.

It was still early in the morning, I'd say around ten to eleven, when we decided to take a break. We sat down on the curb, Lui laying down in the grass.

"What'd you guys do?" I spoke up, Tyler and Lui glancing in my direction.

"What?" Tyler asked, confused by what I meant.

"What'd you guys do before this shit happened." I explained, looking over at Tyler.

Tyler stayed quiet, looking down at his feet. Lui also stayed quiet, glancing up into the cloudless sky.

"I made videos." Tyler stated, sounding embarrassed.

"Like on YouTube?" I asked, taking my backpack off.

"Yeah, something like that." Tyler finished, quieting down signifying he wasn't in a mood to talk anymore.

"What about you?" I asked Lui, who was listening to us.

"I," he laughed, "I actually did the same thing." He said, sitting up.

"That's cool." I laughed along, "Small world, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Lui furrowed his eyebrows.

"I may or may not of done the same thing." I answered, helping with his confusion.

"You serious?" Lui asked.

"Yup." I laughed, Lui joining in.

"Guys, quiet down." Tyler whispered, motioning is with his hand.

We immediately stopped and listened, hearing footsteps. We looked around, when I noticed something. I tapped on Tyler's shoulder, making him turn around, and point to the figure. I grabbed my pack and slung it over me, the other two doing the same. We stood up and watched the figure as it made its way towards us.

"What is that?" Lui asked.

"Who is that." I mumbled

"Well, let's find out." Tyler states, starting to move forward.

"Wait!" I say, grabbing his arm, "What if they're bad or something?"

"One way to see." Tyler pulls out of my grasp and straightens up.

In the distance you could make out a figure slowly getting bigger. Soon that one figure turned to two, then to three. We braced ourselves, a bat, sledgehammer, and axe. We all prepped ourselves, because we had no idea what was about to happen.
Look guys, I'm not dead!
Here's a chapter
I know I'll say this and y'all probs won't believe me but I'm definitely going to write more.
I've overcome writers block, now I just need motivation xD

What do you guys think the three figures are?

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