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Theresa's POV

"Hello, my name is Theresa. I shall be your waitor today." I politely approached the customer.

"Oh finally, better service. I would like to order your 10 for $1 cheese deal, toppings, cheese,double actually, and can I get a sie of cheese with that?" she asked me. This customer was crazy about cheese, but hey, what could I do about it? I'm just a waitor who carries food around.

"Yes, alright. And yes you can, Would you like a cheese milkshake with that with triple cheese on top?" I asked. We seriously have a crazy menu.

"Yes, that would be great. Hold the cherries, and extra cheese, thanks." 

"Cherries or no cherries, which are you asking for?" Customers need to make themselves more clear sometimes.

"No cherries, I'm trying to watch my figure." I have to bite back a laugh, which she thankfully didn't notice.

"Alrighty. I'll be back in 5-10 min. Don't run off while I'm gone!!" I tell her. Collecting her order, I come back and she pays her bill, as well as a $50 tip. 

"Oh goodness, ma'am. I can;t accept this, it's too much." I tell her.

"It's alright, I promise. Just take it." I do, thanking her, and end my shift an hour later. I went home with $50 in hand and a smile on my face.

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