Chapter 13

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"Jared, I want you to meet someone." The DNA results came back a couple of days ago, showing Morgan was my Biological mother.


"Her name is Morgan, and she is your aunt."

"How come I never met her?" He frowned, looking up at me.

"Because she didn't know about us." He nodded, taking my hand as we walked up to the door and knocked. Morgan opened the door and smiled at us.

"Hey, guys, come on in." Jared stood behind me as we walked inside and into the living room.

"Hi Jared, your sister told me so much about you." We decided for now we wouldn't tell Jared about who Morgan was to me.

"You are my aunt?"

"I am. I heard you are going to be an uncle. Are you excited?" He shrugged, curling into my side.

"Sorry, he's not usually this shy."

"It's okay. If you guys are hungry, we can order a pizza or something." the perked up Jared's ears as he looked at Morgan.

"Can we, Zoey?"

"Sure, bud, tell Morgan what kind you want." I smiled as he turned to her whispering his favorite pizza.

"Hey, I've been doing some thinking, and I want to run my idea over." I nodded, watching Jared curled on the floor, watching one of his shows. Since being here for the last hour, he's made himself at home.

"Of course, what's up?"

"I know it's not exactly ideal since you're older. But I was wondering if you guys want to stay here. I know with you being pregnant, you're going to want your own space with Logan. I want to be able to help you and share these moments I never got." Tears filled our eyes as I nodded my head.

"The lease is up on the apartment, and I think that it would be good for us. As long as your sure?"

"Of course. We lost a lot of time, and I don't want to miss it anymore. Jared is my nephew, and I want to do right by him too. I know this house is small, but I've been looking into a bigger place. That way, Jared has a room, and my grandkids have a place. That sounds so weird to say." she smiled, resting her hand against my belly.

"Yeah, I think I would like that." I smiled, resting my hand next to hers.

"In the next couple of days, Detective Martin wants to see us. My lawyer also wants to see us so that we can figure out custody. You are, of course, mine so that I will go for emergency custody of Jared."

"I still can't wrap my head around this. For so long, it was just me, Jared, and my best friend, Lydia. Now I have more support than I could ever dream of."

"No matter what happens, I'm not going anywhere." She pulled me into her arms as I cried against her shoulder.

"How was it?" Logan asked as I curled up into his side. When Logan got off worked, he picked us up from Morgan's.

"It was good. She wants Jared and me to live there. My lease on the apartment is coming up soon. I know with the baby coming, it might not be ideal."

"How about we look for places and for now if you want you can stay with her. You both have missed out on so much."

"She wants to help with the baby." He nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Zoey." I heard Jared whisper making me turn to look at him.

"Hey buddy, you okay?"

"Can I lay with you guys?"

"Of course." I smiled, making room for him. Jared made his way over, curling into my side. Logan ran Jared's, calming him down.

"Everything okay, bud, you know you can tell us anything."

"What's going to happen to us now?"

"Honestly, buddy, I can't answer that right now. A lot will be changing in the next couple of months, and I know it's scary. If you're okay with it, Aunt Morgan wants us to stay with her."

"I like her; she seems nice. Are we going to stay with mom and dad again?" My heart shattered, knowing he will never have the relationship he deserves with them. Other than me, the closest thing he had to his parents was Logan's.

"No, I don't think so." He nodded, resting his head against my chest.

(Logan's pov)

"How is she doing?" Mom asked as I made my way into the kitchen. Zoey and Jared were curled up when I decided to sneak away.

"She seems okay, which scares me the most. Everything is just terrible timing, and I'm worried. What if something happens and she gets hurt. The baby..."

"Slow down, bud." Mom walked over, taking my hand calming me down.

"Breathe before you stress yourself out. Talk to me, okay."

"I just don't know what I'm doing anymore." Tears filled my eyes as I watched Courtney walk into the kitchen.

"What's going on?"

"I think you two need some twin time." I nodded, pulling away from my mom as Courtney walked over. Without saying words, she wrapped her arms around me. Since the beginning, she's been my rock. It was hard when she was gone, but we talked as much as we could.

"Is Zoey okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a lot going on with everything. I'm sorry I haven't been around for you." She took my hand, bringing me up to her, where we laid down.

"Tonight is not about me. It's about you. You're upset, and you know that's going to bother me."

"I want things to go smoothly for everyone. Zoey got her mom back wants to stay with her. With the baby and I want us to be a family. I know it sounds selfish."

"No, Bubba, it's not. I know it might not seem like it, but she wants that too. Once the baby comes, things will be different. For now, let her have her time with her mom. They both need it."

"I'm sorry, I'm sure this is the last thing you want to talk about."

"No matter what this baby is, my niece or nephew and I will be there no matter what. My baby may not have me in their life, but he will know who I am."

"I can't believe we're both having babies." I sighed as she rested her hand on my belly. I always thought that we would do this together one day.

"It is, and I hope maybe one day I will get another chance."

"You will Court." I pulled her into my arms as she rested her head against my chest.

"This is what I missed the most when I was gone." I nodded, kissing her forehead falling asleep.

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