Chapter 7

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I stood in front of the house where I used to live with Jared. Looking around, my parents weren't home. Chills filled my body as memories came flooding back.

"Zoey. we don't have to do this." I shook my head, looking back at him.

"I have to do this. Something is pulling me back to this house, and I need to figure it out." I took him around the back way, where I knew it would be unlocked.

"It's okay. Let's get what you need and get out of here." I nodded, taking him to my room. When I walked in, I was surprised to see it still basically looked the same.

"This is the room Jared, and I would stay in every night. He would always come in here or cry for me."

I walked over and picked up the bear I had left, pulling it close to me. There was a picture of me holding Jared just a couple of months after he was born.

"If there's anything here, it's probably in my parent's office." I grabbed a few things that I wanted and some of Jared's things. Logan took the bag from me as we went to my dad's office. I used a bobby pin to open the top drawers.

"There's files and letters." I looked at the letters, one that addressed to me.

"Babe, we have to hurry. Someone is coming." I quickly grabbed the files and letters. Logan wrapped his arm around me as we quickly made it out of the house.

"Let's get out of here, please." He nodded and came over to me. We got in his jeep while I looked over the letters.

"What do you think this all means?" I shook my head, not understanding.

"What if they are not my parents. What if Jared was kidnapped?"

"Slow down. When we get back to the house, we will look them over, okay." I nodded, trying to take some comfort in his words. Thankfully Jared was with Logan's parents along with Kacie.

Logan pulled up to the apartment building where we got out. He wrapped his arm around me, kissing my forehead. Walking into the apartment, he set the bag down while I crashed on the couch.

"Whatever it says, it changes nothing about how I feel about you two." I nodded as he sat down next to me, taking my file from me. I curled into his side as he opened it. A birth certificate with different names as my parents. Biological mother, Morgan Sinclair. Biological Father Zachariah Jones.

"Logan." tears filled my eyes. I looked over the rest of the papers looking for adoption papers, only to come up empty.

"I don't understand."

"I think they kidnapped me. There are no adoption papers." I shook my head, reading over my parent's names again.

"What about Jared? Can you remember her being pregnant?" I tried to think back, but everything was blank. I rarely saw my saw called parents, and when I did, it was very brief.

"I don't remember. I barely saw them, and I try to block out most of my time with them."

"Let's take a break for now."

"I don't understand. My parents are out there. I wonder if they think I'm dead?" I sobbed as Logan pulled my head against his chest.

"Let's talk to my parents first and go for them. I promise we will figure this all out."

(Logan's pov)

"Come on, sweetheart, time to wake up." I shook her arm, trying to wake her. After crying herself to sleep, I let her sleep for a little while.


"I'm right here." I moved, so I was right in front of her.

"Can we go see Jared?"

"Yea, let's get our things and head back to my place. They should be back by now." She nodded as I gathered all of the information while she went to grab a few things.

On the way back to the house, she was quiet, breaking my heart in the process. I wish I could take all of her pain away.

"Zoey!" Jared came running out of nowhere, jumping into Zoey's arms. Their bond was unbreakable, but things might have to change after finding out all the information today.

"Jared." She breathed as another sob came through.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is okay. I just missed you, okay. I love you so much, buddy."

"I love you too." Jared looked at me, worried as I walked over to them.

"How about you get him ready for bed? He can stay in our room if he wants." Zoey nodded, taking him up to our room. Mom and Dad came into the kitchen.

"Hey Logan, everything okay?"

"She found out some news about her parents, and it's taking a toll on her."

"Anything we can do?" Mom took my hand, looking at me, worried.

"Not right now. I just think she needs time to process it all."

"Make sure she knows if she needs anything, she can always come to us."

"Thank you guys for everything. I love you guys. I'm going to go up there and check on her."

"Love you too, bud." I kissed Mom's cheek before heading upstairs. Zoey was still in the bathroom, telling him stories of when they were younger.

"I don't like it when you're sad." I heard Jared say.

"I know, it's been a long day. Jared, I want you to remember no matter what happens, I will always be there for you."

"You're my best friend."

"That's right."

I quickly changed before Jared came walking out of the bathroom. Zoey followed behind him a couple of minutes later.

"Let me put him to bed, and you take a shower?" she nodded, hugging Jared. I took Jared into Kacie's room, where he's been staying.

"Why is she acting weird?" If I didn't already know, I would laugh at his expression.

"She got some news today that was upsetting. She needs some sleep, and she will be okay."

"You take care of her tonight?" I smiled, nodding.

"Of course. Get some sleep, little man. You will see her in the morning."

"Night, Logan." I kissed his forehead goodnight before heading back to my room. Zoey was already out of the shower and curled up on my bed.

"He okay?"

"He's worried about you, but I think he's okay."

"This is so messed up, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I pulled her into my arms as she rested her head against my chest.

"For night now, I need you to breathe. Jared is okay and is asleep, and now it is your time. I love you."

"I love you."

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