D1 M Marvel

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Hey! This chapter is about Marvel but it doesn't start from the blood bath so you might get a little lost.


I stared up at the giant pile of supplies and grinned to myself. Knowing that the other tributes were probably dehydrated, starving and cold made me feel warm inside.

I am still upset about Glimmer, though. At first I didn't know if she was dead; just ran off in another direction, or something. I wanted to go and look for her, but Cato said we mustn't leave the supplies. Looking at his face closely I could see he did want to look for her, but he was still really angry at 12. He slashed Peetas leg really bad. That night I knew it was pointless to look for Glimmer, her face was displayed in the sky. I knew I had to get revenge on 12. 

" Come on kid" I heard Cato say.

He was dragging that young boy from distrect 3 along by the scruff of his neck.

" This kid says he is going to set bombs all around our supplies to ward off unwanted visitors."

" And how do we know we can trust him?" asked Clove. She never trusted anyone, she said this was the only way to survive in the games.

Cato just smiled to himself.


" What the hell... " Cato screamed.

We stared at the rubble of all our supplies. All the food, weapons and all the other stuff had been blown up. BOOM! Some one had obviosly set off the bombs. But no cannon had gone off, so it means whoever did it, was still alive.

" I Knew we should have never trusted the kid" Clove said, almost congratulating herself.

Cato immediatly turned to the boy. With one quick movement of his wrist; snapped the kids neck.

" Marvel, go get some fire wood"

I did as I was told.

I walked along the wood path, when a noise caught my attension. Two people were talking.

One of them was 12. She was talking to this little girl.

I immediatly shot my javlin in 12s direction, onlt to get an arrow in the neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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