Ch. 4 | "Whoa! Hold Up"

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So you should know, I deleted the last 2 chapters of this and decided to change it up. Soooo don't get confused.


After work, I was in my family room with my brother Nate. He was 17 and soon was going off to college this year. You may wonder why my brother lives with me, Well.... He moved in with me because my mom kind of changed after she met a guy, Who did drugs. Eventually, He began to rub off on her so she did all type of drugs. This happened a few years ago though, Now she's in rehab. In those few years, Nate & I were messed up ourselfs. We were mentally stressed. Nate almost lost his basketball scholarship because of the trouble he was causing, But now he's just fine and is successful. He even earned more basketball scholarships later in 11th grade last year.

Me, I wouldn't care about my brother since he was in foster care and would just sit in my penthouse all day. I worked hard though but I was down all the time. So I had no fun, no relationship, etc. Later, Cassie was in time and helped me get the job I have now and helped me get my brother back. Our life isn't perfection but it's great. . .

My mom, She has been in rehab the past 2 years, and she should be getting released soon. She seems like her old self now and the insurance still has her house available for herself. Nate still wants to stay with me, To give her some rest. But honestly, Someone needs to be watching her. When mom gets out, Hopefully she stays the way she is.

"So Kai what's for tomorrow's dinner?" Nate asked interrupting my thoughts. "Maybe Chicken Parmesan" I said scrolling up & down on Instagram. "Yes! Make it fried chicken please." He said turning the channel. "Kay." I answered. "Night I'm going to bed." He said turning off the TV and giving me a kiss. "Night Wittle brother." I said getting up and turning off all the lights and stuff. I climbed in bed and fell asleep.

--Next Day At Work, Friday--

"I be in the club! Standing on the couch!" I sang along with Miley as I drove to work. I went to Parking Garage A and parked beside Cassie's car along with Dominic's car being across mine in the other row. Damn, Am I late? I got out and got Dominic's client's files & called Nate to make sure he wouldn't take my car. "Hey make sure you don't take my car by suprise." I said getting on the elevator. "Alright I won't, I'll just catch a ride to practice." I sighed as the elevator doors closed and I began to feel bad. "I'll carry you practice during my lunch break, What times practice?" "3" "Perfect, I can take you! Alright bye Nate." "Bye love you sis." "Love you too."

I stepped off the elevator doors to see the office really quiet and dark. "Oh well, Maybe there's a meeting going on..." I placed my stuff under the desk and walked to the back of the reception desk where Mr. Thomas' office was. I softly opened the door and walked in. No one was there. So then I walked to the meeting room, I actually did hear a bunch of voices and I walked in. Dominic, Carrie, and my other co-workers were in there talking amongst them selfs. It seems like everyone was drinking alcohol and stuff. Music was playing my favorite genre, Hip Hop. Dominic noticed me and smiled, Walking up to me. Hey! Today's a relax day; So drink up, dance, give lap dances to bosses(😉)-" "wait what?" I questioned after the last thing he said. Then he smirks and pulls me over to where he was sitting. We walked past Carrie and she was dancing on our youngest co-worker Marion. I could tell she drunk because her hair was everywhere from her flipping it to the side and playing it in, Her clothes didn't look right on her and she was just wild. I sat down in another chair next to Dominic. He handed me a cup full of fruit punch from a serving table.

Thanks, So why'd you let us do this....?" I asked looking around. "Idk, I just didn't feel like doing anything in the office today." I scoffed. "Laziness doesn't get you anywhere. But anyway, Why in the morning?" "Cause I wanted to & plus I was up til like 3 last night from making beats." I smiled, At least he works hard at something. "Oh really I want to hear some." I said. "You should come by then, Or I could come to yours if you have a studio.. You know I know where you live now." He said. "You know I would go home and go to sleep, I mean you are the boss here." "Not really my dad owns this business. I'm actually just the 'side owner' you should call it but I'll be working here for full hours until I can go to school for Music Industry and stuff." He says. "Really? Awwwww. I'm really ambitious, I dream to be an actress or singer. Knowing damn well I can't sing." I said. He laughed. "Aye maybe my homie Tinashe can give you singing lessons. She's just another Mariah Carey except she's mixed." "Yeah I know her (not personally) she gets it inn!" I said.

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