Chapter 3

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As I walked through the hallway, I saw Eva..


"Caroline, you have to get away here" she said in a horried voice, her eyes were teary and it planted a needle straight to my heart seeing her like this

"Eva what are you say--"

"Caroline, Blake's going to pour goo on me any second, any moment. He heard about Kyle.. but I don't know where just go!"

What?! Goo?! Blake?! Oh yah no wonder it's Damiens fucking friend. Is this what he meant by


"No!! fuck them. I'll stay by your side" I pulled Eva and went straight to the cafeteria and suddenly I saw buckets getting ready then I pushed Eva hard and boom

goo.. goo all over me.people started laughing at me.. laughing..

I wanted to cry so hard, why do they have to do this.

yah picture me like Carrie.

as I looked at the person infront of me I saw Blake and his troop laughing no sign of Damien no wonder he was the one pouring goo all over me

I felt tears dripping down.. I was hurt.. I felt my legs weaken in such horror and grief I fell on my knees.. why Damien?

"Ca-caroline!" a familliar voice shouted with nervousness

I cried and didn't bother to see who it was I looked down in shame and terror then suddenly a hand cupped my face, I saw the peroson who I least expected

Damien removed his t-shirt and wiped the goo off my face it made me want to cry more.. he was so sweet and gentle.. the laughing crowd turned all of the sudden silent and shocked. I heard girls murmur with jealousy

Damien wiped away my tears. I tried to hide my face because I looked disgusting, I didn't want him to see me like this..

"Caroline, you still look beautiful" he said with a chuckle that made my heart melt he gently carried me like Cinderella.. as I looked back to see where Eva was, she was in the arms of Kyle safe & sound

seconds ago, I felt like I was in hell surrounded by demons and now.. I felt like I was already in Heaven being carried by an Angel.. such flattery and adulation rushed through my veins

I wanted him so badly I ached

He carried me inside his car and sat me down, I don't even know where we're going.. I don't care, I felt safe with him

"I'm sorry, Cattaleya.." once again I met his alluring eyes and now you can see a man with grief. he was being serious this time.. what shocked me most is that he called me by second name, it sounded so special


I looked down and nodded, He squeezed my hand and understood why I can't talk

the whole trip was silent, it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable, we stopped over a mansion.. same as mine but this one seems better.. I didn't expect him to be Rich,because in reality I don't know a thing about Damien..

He opened the door for me like every gentleman does, I started walking my eyes were still on his mansion.. but an arm held me by the shoulder and another on my legs carrying me like cinderella again, I always get surprises from prince charming

"like it?" the inside of his house.. wow just wow.. he carried me over to his room and set me down to his comfy bed "umm, hey I still have goo all over me" I visibly struggled on what to say

He went to his bathroom and came back with a face towel "here" I was going to grab the towel but he cupped my face and gently wiped it.. While he was busy, I studied him. Taking in every line of his face, unfortunately there was no sign of any flaws he was just so aesthetic

"what?" he said in a chuckle

"nothing.. you look so flawless"

"yeah on the outside" leaving me hanging

what? it made me curious of what kind of man's inside this perfect body

I want to know him, every inch of him.. i'm so interested

"haha hey if you're going to do that everyday, might as well get a photo of me and bring it everywhere you go" he gave me a wink that made me blush

I quickly changed the subject "hey I need to take a bath and change my clothes"

he nodded understandably "I'll let nancy bring up clothes"


"yeah my maid" he gave me a genuine smile and left me alone for no further questions

I took a shower and it gave me time to think, Damiens not really the badass guy I thought he was.. there maybe is this dark and dangerous beast of him that people see, but no.. he has a soft side. I wonder whats more to him. He was too exciting, thinking of him made me smile

I wrapped a towel around me and made my way to Damiens room.. yep with no shame

I found a blue dress that was so sexy but elegant to look at, I placed it on and it made me look beautiful to be honest, I brushed my hair and all of the sudden Damien opened the door

"mind to knock?" I protested with sarcasm


he just stood there studying me, it made me cautious and nervous

"wh-what?" I asked anxiously


to be continued

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