Chapter 1

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"Okay class, Don't forget your homework"' Mrs. Popper said while students hastened out of their classrooms

I quickly made my way through the corridors to find Eva, my bestfriend.. I really am stressed out today, Getting scolded by my parents for not waking up early knowing that I did my chemistry homework the whole night and hah! I got my period this morning and it stained my jeans so I had to go home just to change and head back to school again..

and now I just want to go home and sleep the whole day, I kept my head down and kept moving..

"Woah, Watch where you're going!" a man-sized body crashed into mine that shoved me a little bit.. whats it today?! bullshit day?

"Sorry.." I wasn't in the mood to debate, I'm too exhausted and knackered already.. So I managed to keep walking , I didn't look back at the random stranger I just bumped into, but suddenly out of nowhere a hand yanked around my waist

"not so fast Caroline" a virile voice said sending goosebumps through my body. he-he knows my name?

"Listen! I said I'm sorry! What more do you want?? Kneel down?! I'm so fucking sick, I just wanna go home" I said in a ballistic voice then he lets go of me then I turned around to see who's the guy I have to deal with

behold! a tall and powerful lean body appeared it was majorly hot trust me it makes you wanna rip-off your clothes.. but na-ah-ah there's moore, not until I reached the mans face. His chocolate rumpled brown hair that matches his finely shaped face, a firmly etched mouth that was naturaly color red yup mm-mmm, his perfectly bladed nose and an alluring dark brown eyes with long lashes that made him a full package of every womans desire.. and when I say "every" yes that includes your mom and grandma's

it was Damien.. Damien Woods the schools crowd-pleasing badass. but umm Well me? I'm not really the kind of girl that guys like him fall for..

I'm not exaggerating, I speak nothing but the truth

thug "awwwww!" I lost my balance, my ass laid flatly on the ground, great..just great.. I was irritated with myself for feeling so stupid and awkward, why? because I was stunned. damn it



disgraceful worthless btch you are Caroline

I was cursing myself for being so clumsy, while I was trying to get up

suddenly he gave me a helpful hand and gulp I placed my hands in his.. his touch was so electrfying then up we go, whoop. my face collided into his luscious body.. ugh it felt so good. A mixture of cologne and cigarette but still managed to make him smell sinfully good.. I enjoyed every moment I was in there it made me feel so comfortable and good

I felt him chuckle and there I gathered myself back together.. going back to reality.. from princess to being the frog again

what was I doing? why do I feel so awkward when it comes to him..

no wonder why he sounded too bitchy and classy awhile back, because he wasn't the guy to be messed with

"you done checking me out?" his eyes winked coquettishly and held out a big smirk that made me blush

I stayed silent and didn't know what to say.. so I just looked down at my nails like they were the most interesting things in the world.. there I go again.. Appearing awkward and ugly all the time

"hey, are you alright?" finally he said in a concerned tone.. his voice was manlike and suave that made my stomach magically have butterflies

to be honest? I can't handle talking to him for a day, something about him makes me wimpy and asthenic it would make me faint easily

"I-i'm fine" was I just jittering?

so as far as I don't want to embarass myself anymore.. I might as well move out.. I tried on making a move, but I failed again. He grabbed me and pushed me into the lockers and that made my heart pound ferociously he placed his hands on both sides of the locker making no room for me to escape..

speaking of escape.. why should I? I mean.. I would voluntarily be stuck in a cage with him for 10yrs.

"Listen here Bitch, you were the one who bumped into me and being so careless for not watching your way and now that I'm talking to you nicely you just ignore me" he said in a calm and livid tone

Bitch? he just called me a Bitch? my parents.. never called me that neither do my enemies just my bestfriend.. but from a guy? yes I know it was rude of me for not saying thank you because I was ashamed not that I was mad or something

I felt anger rush through my veins, I pulled him down to level his ears to my mouth "Listen here Damien, first of all I am not like any of those girls you hook up with and just get them with one wink. LOW CLASS and LEWD. yes Damien.. that goes for you too, CHEAP"

he looked at me in great shock, He didn't expect those words to fall out of my mouth neither do I.. I didn't mean it.. seriously.. knowing that I have my period today..and..clap clap Caroline what a great job you did there.. that was just stupid

"Da-damien I'm sor--"

"Rest well and get ready" he cuts me off and gave me a smirk to end his soliloquy

I realized the last word he said.. by the time I was going to ask Damien what does he mean he turned he's back on me and was gone in the wind

Get ready? for what? For bed? with him? ok yah sure any second..any day, I'm fcking ready

Okay stop kidding yourself Caroline, he'd rather sleep with a pig than you

But seriously.. I felt so anxious all of a sudden.. why.. just why does he look so flawless yet dangerous?


Hiii! so I just want to say that i'm merely happy & satisfied knowing that I already have 23 reads, it isn't alot but yehey! :) I thought no one will read or appreciate this but I still got votes!! thank you!! it inspired me <3

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