Chapter 57

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My body slowly starts to wake up and I can feel the sunlight streaming in gently through the window, basking me in its warm, comforting rays.

Usually I'd be extremely annoyed at being woken up with the same shining brightly in my face but for some reason today, I'd woken up on the right side of the bed.

A loud yawn escapes my mouth and I quickly try to stifle it.

Don't want Alexander waking up now do we?

Fluttering open my eyes, bright brown warm eyes greet me, as they smile at me lazily.

This is new.

Alexander usually always slept in and I'd be the first to wake up.

"Morning." I mumble, grinning.

Alexander sleepily smiles at me too before yawning.

"Morning love," he mumbles as he leans in to kiss me.

Pecking him on the lips l, we break apart and I smile at him once more.

"Why are you in such a good mood." He questions, his voice hoarse from the heavy sleep he was in.

I'm sure mine was too but I didn't take much note of it though I'm sure I didn't sound any where near as intriguing as him.

"We should really get out of bed," I mumble, "I have to make everyone breakfast."

"No stay with me for a little while longer."

In no mood to protest, I smile and curl up into him, enjoying the body heat coming from him, making me feel cozy and the eventually pulling me back to sleep.

Coming down the stairs, I tug on my cardigan, wrapping it further around me.

Why did it get so cold all of a sudden?

Stepping into the kitchen, I go to greet everyone but stop as I see the empty kitchen.

Where the hell was everyone?

Frowning, I turn to wander around, in search for my family but a shirt clad chest stops me.

Looking up, Alexander grins at me and leans down to kiss me.

"Your family's gone out for the day." He murmurs.

"They have? Why?" I question, feeling guilty.

Was I not entertaining them properly?

Did they feel left out?

"Stop worrying so much Nora, I can practically see the gears turning in that pretty little head of yours." He smirks.

"I'll just accept that as a compliment."

"What compliment?," he says, smirk widening before fake flinching as I smack him lightly on the chest, "don't worry babe, they've gone out to do some sight seeing or some boring shit like that."

Rolling my eyes at him, I turn towards the fridge and get all the ingredients out for omelets.

"Omelet okay?" I question while Alexander nods his head at me enthusiastically like he hadn't been fed his whole life.

"So," I start out, "will you be going to the office today?" I ask.

Even though it was a Sunday and I had the day off, Alexander would occasionally head off to the office for a little while just to catch up on some things for a few hours before coming back home.

I'd pretty much gotten used to the fact that this was going to be my home for a few months.

I'd for sure feel cramped up in that little apartment of mine after I went back.

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