Just another typical day of high school, getting punched, getting shoved to the ground, name calling. You know. The normal stuff. I hate it but I live with it, nothing I can really do about it, except smile. I never talk. People think I'm mute but I'm not, I just don't talk. I've lived my life like this since 6th grade. I just take the pain. I might get beaten up but what they don't know is that I see all that happens around me, even the things that they think they have kept hidden. The two that beat on me the most is Axel and Carmen the twins, but they are in more pain than me. I see it in their eyes. They might be twins but they hide two different lives from each other. Axel hiding his addiction from his sister and Carmen hiding the fact that the way she is making money is by selling herself. Nobody knows but their parents committed suicide. I was never told by them directly, but when you never talk and only listen you start learning how to pick up on things that no one else can. They aren't the only ones either. There is Ann, everyone loves her, she hates me, but no one knows she is dying of cancer and only has a few months left live. Luc, star football player but his parents beat him and they starve him. That's why he always takes my lunch money. There were three more people that bullied me Randy, Lena, and Danny but they "moved to a new school". That only means that Randy killed his girlfriend, Lena who was cheating on him with Danny his best friend. Randy then killed himself out of guilt. I'm the only one that knows that. I'm the only one that knows their pain..... so that's why I just take the pain. Their pain is worse than mine. In two years it's over. they can't escape their pain it follows them until it kills them, except Ann she tells me all the time I should go die and I should go kill myself. Poor Ann she's the one that's dying....she's the one killing herself. None of them know that I see this much, their darkest secrets, their pain.....they only see mine cause they cause it, they get joy from it. I just feel pity for them, but all I can do is just take the pain.

The Quiet Ones See The Most
Ficción GeneralThis is my first story so just let me know how I did, I appreciate feedback just don't be rude and say something just to be mean, it's not cool.