Ouija Board

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evelyngonzalez_ (This story is a bit longer, only because there's a lot of information on this game. Do NOT play this game.)
"Ouch!" Evelyn jerked her fingers back from the wooden chest in her grandma's attic. She was supposed to be looking for some Christmas decorations but stumbled across an old chest with a faded sheet of cloth draped over the top. Evelyn knelt down next to the chest and slowly started opening it, careful not to pinch her fingers this time. She lifted the lid up, sending dust into the air and causing her to cough.
   Inside was a cardboard box. A board game. Evelyn reached inside the chest to pull out the small box. She dusted it off to read the writing on the game and expecting some cheesy, old person board game title.
   Evelyn felt familiar with this game, but she was rusty on most of the rules. She opened the box and picked up a piece of paper to what she thought was the instructions. But it sounded more like a warning note.

   Evelyn was stunned on how vague this game was

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   Evelyn was stunned on how vague this game was. It seemed weird that her grandma had this sitting in her attic. Evelyn tried to ignore those thoughts and continued searching through the game box. She uncovered the wooden, dusty board to see the Alphabet and many numbers written across the board. Then, she picked up the wooden triangle the paper called a 'pointer'. (But in the real game it's called a planchette.) She examined it and held the peephole up to her eye. Peering through, she saw a man and a woman dressed in black, hovering over the wooden chest, staring at her.
Evelyn jumped back, pulling the planchette away from her face. Heart racing, she looked back to the game board sitting in her lap. Hesitantly, she placed her first two fingers of each hand on either side of the planchette.
At first, nothing happened. Evelyn knew how this game worked so she asked the question, "Is anyone there?" Moments passed before the game piece started moving towards the sun on the board. The planchette touched all four corners of the board then hovered over the YES.
Evelyn was stunned, she had never actually summoned an actual spirit. It usually never worked for her. So, she continued with her questions, "How long have you been here?" The planchette spelled out 300 YEARS. Evelyn kept going, "Are you evil?" The planchette moved up the board and kept going back and forth between YES and NO. But then after a few moments, it jerked to the left side of the board. YES.
Evelyn started to feel scared. So, she flipped the planchette upside down, knowing that she had now trapped the spirit. "Do you have any messages for me?" Evelyn asked, although she thought it sounded more like a command. Knowing she probably upset the spirit, she felt the game piece move under her fingers to spell out its message. LEAVE MY HOME OR LOOSE SITE.
Evelyn jumped after reading the spirit's message, causing the planchette to bounce off the board. Crap, she thought. Evelyn had just let the spirit loose. She panicked and began to run out of the attic, but was gabbed by her ankle by an invisible figure. Evelyn quickly grabbed the planchette and held it up to her eye to see what was happening.
It was the man she saw earlier. He was still hovering over the chest but this time he was bent down and had a firm grasp on Evelyn's leg. Evelyn didn't know what to do. She decided to finish the game, even though the spirits have already escaped. She reached over to the board and placed the planchette on the board. "Please leave me alone," she pleaded. The planchette began to move down the board. It hovered over GOOD BYE, meaning her session was over.
Evelyn sighed in relief as she felt the hand on her ankle disappear. She began to pick up the game properly. Before Evelyn put the last piece in the box, the planchette, she decided to take one last glance through the peephole. She looked back over the chest and thankfully didn't see the couple dressed in black. So, she took one last look around the attic through the peephole, making sure it was safe. Then when Evelyn looked back up to the chest she saw a man and woman dressed in black, charging at her, screaming as they came making Evelyn black out. Only that was the only thing she saw for the rest of her life.

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