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Alright guys I'm back..  Sorry Ive been busy what with Thanksgiving coming soon..  This part is gonna be explained as to how Vanessa took over being Sarah..  So I hope u like it. (Sara's pic)

~flash back~

Sarah was in her dressing room,  she had a white gown that went to her knees; her veil was red an black. (Yes she's getting married) the flowers we're the same color. She was fixing her sleeves; they we're the kind that went around  your arms. There was a knock on the door.
Knock, knock.
"Come in." She announced. The girl walked in an addressed her.
"M'lady? Is everything alright?" Her lady in waiting asked her. Or so it seemed it was her.
"Yes Patty. Every... "She was hit in the head. Before she passed out.  There stood Vanessa, but she had changed into her.
"Ohh don't worry Sarah, your husband an daughter will be fine." She cackled an Sarah passed out.
The door opened an the guards escorted who they thought was Sarah out to the reception. She was walking down the aisle; she seen lil sandy standing to the side, of course she was the flower girl.  She turned her attention to the guy standing there waiting for Sarah, but lil did he know. That he wasn't getting what he wantedHe was smiling so huge, she had done; she finally carried out her wish. After all these years. She had watched him an Sarah, heard she had given birth to his child. She got up to the alter an smiled.
"Everyone be seated, we are gathered today in holy mattramony. To we'd these two people, if anyone has any objections; speak now or forever hold your peace." They waited an no one spoke up.  She was smiling, for the first time it was her time to shine.
"Now let's begin. " the ceremony went as planed..  They said there I do's.
"You may now kiss the bride." Terrance turned to van, aka pretend Sarah.  An smiled at her, she wasted no time an kissed him.  The applause could be heard all over.
"May I pronounce, Mr. An Mrs. Terrance." The preacher announce an they turned.  Sandy came running up to her father an he picked her up.
"Hey princess,  we're a family now. "She couldn't agree more.  That night terrance had business to attend to.  So van took off her dress an our on a blue fleece night gown.  She left there room an went to the kitchen.
"Mommy? Can I have some milk?" Lil sandy asked.
"No sweety, go back to bed."she tried the sweet voice, but realized she wasn't busting. So she stood up an gave her a glass an she was gone. She turned an opened the closet but went inside an headed to the dungeons.
"Sarah, Sarah. Man you have no idea how it feels to be married. This place, it's how I wanted it."she stopped in front of the hidden cell an there shackled was sarah.
"Van? How could you. Why did you betray me!" Saray shouted.
"It's simple really, you had a family; me being who I am. Took it.  An now there mine." Van replied grabbing a chair from the desk an sitting it in front of her cell. She sat down an leaned forward.
"Now I'll make you a deal, seeing as I'm the reason your like this; I'll make sure your nice an comfy. Now I don't  normally do this, but I'm making an exception." She told her an leaned back.
"What? That I stay down here, not getting out an staying quiet like you want?" Sarah replied. She could see right through her, she knew it wasn't gonna be that easy; but a woman had to try.
"Well part of it, if you don't I'll personally escort you out. An I'll raise sandy as my own.  It can't hurt anything right?" Van said leaning forward.
"Sandy, you leave her out of this!" Sarah got furious with her." She hollered in anger.
"You see that's the kind of anger I dont like. But I do have future plans for her.  You see I hear kaname is looking for bride.  Now I'll wait til she's old enough to know.  In the mean time it's hush hush." Van smiled an got up. She went to the stairs an turned back.
"And just so I know this will work,  I've hired one of my own guard to make sure it's carried out." With that said she left.  She walked in the hallway an heard commotion.
"Ohh your majesty, sorry to desturb you.  But there's an intruder!" They shouted an she put her hands up. She looked at them using her abilities an they all despersed.
"Well van,  you sure know how to get rid of people." The guy looked to her.
"Pfft I'm just getting started." She smirked an with that she left..  It was 18 years later an she had called sandy down an told her. Sandy was all adventures, one time she ended up in the dungeon not knowing, van had noticed an immediately grounded her.

~end of flash back~
  Terrance was in shock, he sat on the bed an looked up at his real sarah,  she had changed; her hair was now red instead of blonde..  Her eyes we're green.  Whatever she done,  she did it for a reason.
"Sarah? But how..  All this time I thought... " he cut himself off an looked down.
"Terrance,  it's alright..  I got out; one of the guards recognized who I was.  They wanted to tell you,  but I told them no.  If they had reported to you I was alive..  Not only you, but our lil girl would have gotten killed.  I tried to reason, but no luck." She fin ished sitting in the chair across from him.
"Wait, what do you mean? Why would van want to hurt us..  I mean yeah she's been acting." He stopped an looked up. It struck him,  her bringing sandy's ex to the palace; he should of know.
"I can't believe I didn't see it, van helped lance into the kingdom; then he tried to put something in her drink.  That something must of been a love potion." He figured it out. He looked up an heard van who sounded like sarah near the door.
"It's fine, I'll hide in the closet." She immediately got up an hoped into the closet; she shut the doors,  just in time for Vanessa to enter the room.
"Honey? Who was you talking to?" Van questioned him.
  "Myself..  I hadn't realized you we're coming.  I was thinking out loud." He looked at her.
"Very well, any who..  I came to tell you that sandy is looking for you.  She said she found something; but needed your input on it." She stood at the door, he walked to the door an put his arm around her.
"Alright my beloved." He kissed her gently an left.  After a few moments she went to the dresser an pulled out a bottle. Sarah seen it but kept quiet.
"In time this will be over." She said an left the room.

Sorry bout the long chapter..  When I wrote the flash back..  I wanted as much details as possible an to tell y'all how van took Sarah's place..  Now what so you think is in the bottleWill sarah reveal herself to sandyComment an I'll tell u if correct answer.

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