12:52am - Darcy Evans

16 1 0

Day 1 - 1/3/09

12:52 am

               My palms sweat as I struggled to hold the seven pills in my hand.  I didn’t know the brand or even the proper name for them.  They went around town, the pills.  They called them the medicine.  It was somewhat of a solution to all problems, a cure.  And what can cure all problems better than death itself?

               The few unhealed cuts on my skin burned as beads of sweat trickled down them.  I bit hard on my lip in an effort not to cuss out the wretched feeling of my wrists.  I held the medicine in my right hand as I stroked the scars with my fore-finger.  My nails were painted a dark red matching the color of the fresh wounds I had carved into my skin the hour before.  As I looked over them tracing the dark pigmentation and filled every corner of my arms, beads of tears rimmed my dark brown eyes.  Was this it?

1:34 am

               The want felt so strong, engulfing me in its flames.  It felt as if it were some sort of thrill, a game.  “How long can you last, before you want to die?”

               “I’m sick of it.  I don’t want to play anymore,” I whispered to myself and the grip on the seven pills in my hand tightened.  The cure to all my problems was right in front of me and I couldn’t even do it.  Why was I such a weak creature?  Always afraid, afraid to speak, afraid to want, afraid to love.  A person like me wasn’t fit for this world; I wasn’t created to be strong. 

               It was almost like Survival of the Fittest.  Only the strongest were to make it past.  And unfortunately for me, I didn’t fit the bill.  Why exist without reason?  Why be alive without purpose?

               I glared into the palm of my hand, the seven pills gleaming from the sweat.  My eyes were swollen and red.  I shook violently as adrenaline pumped through every vein of my feeble, pale body. 

               I closed my eyes and breathed in tempo with my pounding heart.  I could hardly hear myself think.  Not that I wanted to, all that flowed through my head was the negativity and evil of my thoughts.

               Through the pounding heartbeats I heard the finally hear myself think.  It was a sharp hiss of both encouragement and persuasion.

               Do it. It whispered.

               So I did.

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