Chapter 13

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It was a Friday, the last day of school for this week. Everyone whom I passed by seemed excited, enthusiastic and full of energy due to the fact that today was Anthony Crest Day. It was a day celebrated by our school to honor the founding father of South Crest High, Anthony Crest, during his birthday which falls today. Every year the school would cancel the classes and organize a picnic for the student body, teachers and all school personnel. But I guess the reason everyone was hyped is because it was a day that they get to relax and not think about school or work.

I walked through the parking lot with a basket full of appetizing food in my hand. Though everyone seemed lively and thrilled, I somehow felt the opposite, apathetic and unenthused. Perhaps the last few days of my life had sucked all the life out of me. And also knowing that I might encounter Alex, Nate and the not so nice girls in the school didn't help either. It gave me all the more reason to boycott the event. But since Jillian had insisted that I attend because she didn't want to sit with the cheerleading squad, hence I am here.

With a quick pace, I made my way to the field and passed by Zoey's group who was seated in the stone bleachers with her friends. All of them gave me a vicious glare as I passed but I ignored it. I decided they weren't worth my time. It was only a few meters before I reached the field, when suddenly something gripped my forearm. I spun around curious to see the person who wanted to catch my attention. My vision was occupied by a guy with chocolate brown hair and inviting hazel eyes, it was Mike. Like a reflex, my eyebrows instantly crossed and a scowl was directed at him. It was because I knew the reason why he was here and I didn't like it. Of course it was all tied to Alexander Lyons, an unpleasant subject.

Seeing my expression, Mike raised both of his hands in front of him like in a defensive stance.

"Woah Adie, chill. I come in peace." He said in a wary manner, raising his index and middle finger to form a peace sign.

I folded my hands in front of my chest to indicate I wasn't letting my guard down easily.

"What do you want, Mike?" I asked with irritation. My voice came out harsher than I anticipated.

But Mike didn't answer my query instead he stared at me with bewilderment as to why I was hostile. "I should've brought an ice cream with me as a peace offering," He said awkwardly.

The thought of him bringing me an ice cream created a smile in my face. Perhaps I would have been more considerate if he had brought a frozen treat.

"Oh yes!" Mike exclaimed which staggered me slightly. "You smiled Adie," He explained and eyed me with interest. "You have a wonderful smile, makes you attractive," He continued.

Instead of uttering a reply I gave him a look of perplexity.

"Not that you're not attractive, of course you are. It's just that—Shit. I'm rambling again." Mike said as he caught himself mid sentence.

"Mike," I said softly to let him know I had become amiable and I wasn't going to bite his head off.

"Oh sorry," Mike said shyly. "I tend to talk a lot when I'm nervous, it's a disease." He explained with a wry smile.

"It's ok," I told him and uncrossed my arms. "What are you nervous about anyway?" I asked out of curiosity. My irritation had long vanished because of his awkward display. It was a side of Mike that I had never seen and it somewhat appealed to me seeing his vulnerability.

"This," He said and closed his eyes for a moment. "Talking to you," He immediately added.

"What?" I asked in confusion, unable to connect the words he was throwing at me.

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