Chapter 10 - Fox

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No matter how much you bribe me with a colt (a fine animal—I must admit) for Sebby's birthday, you owe me that one, Brother.

In the glistening moonlight rose the Horseshoe Mountains above the horizon; first its white peaks of eternal snow, then the dark belly of the majestic rock formation. There was no way around the slumbering giant; not unless they rode hundreds of miles more to the east or the west.

Fox shrunk back in the saddle, accidentally touching the magician's chest.

"First time you see the mountains, son?" He put his hands over Fox's, steering the horse towards the small, meandering stream that the river Faith had become.


During the summer moons, Laneby's tavern was often packed with travelling merchants boasting how they had tamed the terrifying beauty of the mountain range, so he and Seb had made an unbreakable pact that they would one day head north to reach the largest top themselves.

He swallowed, feeding the welling tears to his empty stomach. If only he could tell Seb that it would take weeks to travel all the way from one side of the horseshoe-shaped border to the other. Finding out which one was the largest would be nearly impossible.

The magician yawned in Fox's ear. "It's late. Let's camp here for the night, catch a few hours of sleep before we cross the mountains."

"Aye." Leo's black mare halted on a patch of grass near the river. He patted her neck.

Phoe continued following the craggy path. Ten steps it took before the warrior's saggy eyes lit up and he squeezed the reins. With unexpected agility he jumped off the brown stallion and stretched out his arms, cracking his knuckles.

Fox winced. Father used to do the same after a long day in the smithy. Whenever he caught Fox uttering even the slightest of whimpers, he would do it again just to tease him.

Phoe only cracked his knuckles once. "I thought you were never going to stop, Katla. I haven't been able to feel my limbs since sunset."

"No feeling is better than pain." The magician muffled a groan as an icy northern wind swept over the land, shaking the willow trees that thrived surprisingly close to the mountains. "Get wood, Phoe. It's freezing."

"Sure, shouldn't take too long. The Gods have blessed us." He bent down and grabbed four twigs in one sweep.

"But you're a magician." Supported by a hand on his back, Fox climbed off the horse. "You don't need wood."

A wry smile appeared on the man's face as he inhaled an extra deep breath. "It would be terribly inconvenient to stay awake just to keep the flames up."

"Ha! Imagine us sitting all night next to your burning hands, Katla." Leo snorted, looking up from rummaging through the horse's bags. "No, save your energy so we don't get lost again. I don't wanna spend any minute longer in those mountains than needed. We got lucky on our way down. I told Ari that the storms are the true Kings of the peaks, but he didn't want to listen. Almost lost my head because of his foolish plan."

Phoe roared with laughter as he cracked a bundle of twigs into two. "Maybe His Majesty was hoping for it, so he doesn't have to invite your ugly head to extended family dinners anymore."

"Watch it, Foambrain." Leo placed some deerskins on the grass. "I may not have any claim to the throne, but my mother is still a Princess. What you're saying could be interpreted as high treason."

"You wouldn't dare." Phoe threw a bigger branch to the small pile of wood he had already gathered. "Who else is gonna do these chores? Whether or not you like it, you need me."

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