Chapter One

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You looked around at the other teenagers, all exhausted from the extensive climb. Two classmates caught your eye, a boy with sky blue hair, the other's neon red. They were they only ones who didn't seem tired, so you walked over.

"Hi, I'm (y/n)," You said.

The blue haired boy smiled at you. "Hi (y/n), I'm Nagisa"

The red haired one gave you a once over, looking you up and down with a smirk, "Karma".

"Nice to meet you Karma, Nagisa," You said as you looked at Karma through the corner of your eye. His smirk grew and you raised your eyebrows, issuing a challenge. He mirrored you, accepting. Nagisa looked uneasy.

"(Y/n), when Karma wants something, he stops at almost nothing to get it"

You smiled,"That just makes it a better challenge"

Karma looked at you. "I like your attitude (y/n)," He said as he walked off to the school. Nagisa looked at Karma, then you.

"Be careful (y/n). Im serious. You don't know how far he'll go" he said, a genuine edge to his voice. You nodded and walked to the school, Nagisa next to you, discussing his notes on Koro-sensei. You walked into the classroom, looking at everyone. Your eyes landed on Karma, and there seemed to be a look of irritation when he saw Nagisa with you, though it only lasted for a second. You immediately sympathized, thinking that Karma assumed Nagisa was telling you all of his strategies. You would have been irritated too. Upon seeing Karma's face, he gave him an apologetic look of denial, and rushed to his seat. Karma looked satisfied, and Koro-sensei called you to the front of the room.

"Class, this is (F/n) (L/n)". He said. You gave a small smile and noticed Karma was paying close attention. Smirking, your eyes directly on him, you had to admit you were impressed. He was studying his target well. Koro-sensei gave his signature laugh and sent you to your seat, directly next to Karma. He narrowed his eyes at The Octopus. You could tell he knew something you didn't. Koro-sensei laughed again and started his lesson. You tried paying attention, but soon drifted off, thinking about your first move on Karma, and on Koro-sensei. You felt his eyes on you, but gave no sign of it. Running your hands through your hair, you hastily wrote what was left on the chalkboard. You could feel him smirk and you internally cursed yourself, "Don't show weaknesses (y/n)". When it came time for training, you walked with Nagisa, just to spite Karma, hoping he would show something you could use against him. He ignored you, starting his training with Karasuma. You watched him, and had to admit he was good. Nagisa looked at you, then Karma.

"This is gonna be fun," you smirked, "Wanna have a fight, training purposes only?" Nagisa smiled and nodded. Getting into position, you watched Nagisa's every move. You lunged falsely, trying to trick him. It worked and he stepped to the side. Quickly turning, you caught his arm and knocked his feet out from under him. You let go and looked down at him. Nagisa was clearly impressed. Shooting a side glance at Karma, you could tell something was bothering him. "Seems he finally got a worthy opponent" you thought, turning away. You held out your arm to Nagisa, and he took it, smiling.

"That was a really good fight (y/n)," He said brightly.

"Thanks, think Karma's gonna have a hard time with me?" you asked, and he shifted nervously.

"Ah... I-I think he's getting more than he bargained for." Nagisa said carefully. You nodded, looking back over at Karma. He was training really hard. You chuckled, though slightly nervous at his skill. After training you went back to the school with Ms. Bitch. You needed no lessons in English, so you spent your time thinking of an assassination attempt. Karma was staring at the board intently, seemingly trying to ignore all proof of your existence. You smirked and stared at his notes, which were surprisingly well taken. Finally, after a long day, it was time to leave.

"Hey Karma, wanna go down the mountain with me?" You asked, wanting to see how he reacted to the terrain. He looked taken aback, but nodded. You smiled and walked out of the class, Karma beside you. Slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you started the large trek down. He followed, his ever present smirk plastered on his face. Sliding down a particularly steep slope, you wandered off the path.

"I should have thought you weren't gonna stick to the route" he said.

"I grew up wandering the woods. Taking the path is just boring, y'know" You replied. You encountered a creek. Smiling, you grabbed onto the branches of a tree, hoisted yourself up, and climbed across.

"Wow, you really are good in the woods," Karma noted as he repeated your steps.

"And you're a fast learner," you smiled. He looked at you.

"Why did you challenge me (y/n)" He asked, getting closer to you.

"I thought it would be fun" You answered. He looked down, shaking his head.

"Right you are (y/n)-chan," Karma said, "Just know, I intend to win" There he took his leave, with you flustered and confused.  

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