Chapter 2

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Over the next few weeks, you enjoyed time with Nagisa and Karma, both of your attempts to catch each other off guard failing. The memory was still fresh in your mind,

"Right you are (y/n)-chan," Karma said, "Just know, I intend to win". He said nothing of it, not since that day. You pretended it never happened. Heading off to training, you smiled and talked to Nagisa.

"So," he asked, "how are things going with Karma?"

"Same as usual, attempt for an attempt" you replied. He nodded.

"Wanna try another fight?" you asked.

"Sure, why not?" Nagisa said smiling. You got into position, the anti Koro-sensei knife in your dominant hand. He did the same and you took a step forward, slashing quickly at the arm he held the knife in. Nagisa blocked and caught your arm, which you countered by manipulating your hand to make a move that would ordinarily slice his arm open, a deep cut too.

"You're a really good fighter (y/n)" Nagisa said, giving you the win. You saw Karma disappear into the woods, followed by many loud cracks. Dropping everything, you ran into the forest. Karma was sitting against a tree, his face red and covered with his hands.

"K-Karma-kun?" you asked. He looked at you and his face only grew redder. Karma looked at the ground, avoiding your gaze.

"Karma-kun" you said again, this time softer, kneeling down to look at him.

"G-go away (y/n)" he mumbled, still not looking at you.

"Karma, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, go ask Nagisa" he said, looking up. Anger was etched into his face.

"Y-you aren't j-jealous a-are you?" You asked, hope rising up inside you.

"O-of course not, why would I be?," Karma said, with a feeble attempt of a smirk.

"Karma, do you honestly think I would want Nagisa?

"Seems like it, you're constantly sparring with him, laughing with him"

"That's because he's a great friend, and a good fighter."

"What about me (y/n)-chan?! What about ME?" He said, storming off.


He just went faster.

"K-karma...chan" you said, barely a whisper. Walking back to the school, you had a million thoughts running through your head. He's jealous, of Nagisa. He was upset because I was with him. He's jealous, over... me. You walked over to Nagisa.

"I-is he ok?" He asked.

"You need to talk to him Nagisa. You really need to talk to him." You said, a serious expression on your face. Nagisa sighed and nodded, heading off to into the forest.  

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