Chapter 4

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"You're going to Canada without me? But, Cass we're engaged. I have to go.". Liam griped the whole time I packed my suitcases.

"Not anymore, Liam. We're over, I can't do this anymore. Please pack your things tomorrow. When I get back, if you're still here, I'm calling the cops. Goodbye." I dismissed from him, taking the house key from him.

He began to pack his bags. My phone started to ring, I answered.

"Hello?" I asked through the speaker.

"Cassandra, Louis is having a wine and dine at the new restaurant, Round The Clock, and I will pick you up, the roads are slick." Harry's deep voice emerged from my phone.

"Okay...umm. What time will you be here?" I asked, placing my hand on my hip.

"Within five minutes." He said hanging up.

"Who was that?" Liam asked, snatching my phone away.

"My co-worker, Liam. Give me my phone now." I demanded, snatching the phone right back out of his hand. Liam huffed his mouth, glaring in disgust at me.

I walked out of my apartment, wearing a burgundy dress that reached my mid thighs. My black stilettos made clicks on the pavement. I also wore a black blazer over the dress.

"Hey." Harry greeted, when I sat in his passenger seat. My Guess clutch remained in my lap.

"Hey." I replied, swaying my hair over my shoulder. Harry but his lip and matted his hand over his hair, the swept it to the side.

"Is he giving you a hard time, Cassandra?" Harry asked, placing his hand on my thigh. I panicked, only Liam has done that to me.

"Yes, but that's not any of your business. Call me Cass or Cassidy please?" I asked, gripping the leather seat.

"Yeah. Of course." He said blankly, keeping his eyes on the road, "what are your plans for the holidays?"

"Well, tomorrow is my birthday so I'm going home, Toronto." I explained to Harry. Our eyes met, leaving the silence golden.

"Cassidy. Do you remember The Chalice?" He asked, my eyes widened. my cheeks flushed bright red, and my boobs began to sweat.

"You saw that?!?" I exclaimed, trying to hide my embarrassment. About five years ago, my first year of college, there was a massive party and I was invited. I got so drunk that I ended up only wearing my bra and underwear. It was at a club called The Chalice.

"Yeah front row." He joked, I smacked his tricep playfully. I think it was safe to say that I was making friends. As we pulled into the restaurant, Harry spoke again,

"Cassidy, I will drive you to the airport. The roads aren't going to unfreeze in just three hours." Harry ordered, his voice rasping.

"Thanks, but are you my father? I know how to drive in ice I grew up in Canada for the fifth time." I remarked.

"Wow, calm down tiger. I'm only trying to help you." He chilled.

"Okay." I dismissed this conversation. I honestly didn't have time to argue with my business partner. My eyes began to water,

"What's the matter?" Harry asked as we walked into the wine and dine.

"Your the only guy who's been nice to me in a long time, besides my family members." I trembled, referring to Niall and Zayn. Harry and I hugged softly and then it hit. A shock of electricity zipped through my spine and my eyes lit up. I couldn't help it.

"Hello Cassandra, Harry. I didn't know you both were an item." Louis said, cocking his head to the side.

"No! Never, never. She's not my type." Harry was so quick to respond, I nodded. Eventually I saw Perrie and Zayn, locking lips by the bar. I didn't really want to intrude them. I saw no one else I could go over and sit by or even chat while drinking champagne. I was a bitch, I realized. After an hour of standing around, I was ready to leave.

"Harry, can you bring me to my house? So I can drive to the airport?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach.

"No, I'm driving you. Lets go." Harry ordered.


After we stopped at my apartment so I could grab my suitcase and change clothes, we were on the road.

"I don't understand, Harry." I muttered, when he turned the radio off.

"What?" He groaned, rolling his green eyes.

"Earlier, you told our boss that I wasn't your type. It hurt my feelings, Harry." I explained, wiping my forehead from sweat.

"I lied." He quickly responded.

"What?" I asked, looking down.

"You aren't my type, but that doesn't mean I don't want to fuck you right now." Harry rasped, my eyes widened.

"No, you can't." I demanded, he groaned.

"But..." he pouted.

I turned around and stared at the stars for a while. He was using me to have sex with me? Just what I need, I don't have time for this!

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