Chapter 3: city of Hajimari

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All I could do was look at her; my jaw had dropped to the floor. "How the heck are you doing that!!!" she smiled

"There's a lot I have left to explain to you Jasmine, but I rather do it when you're well rested."

"No, you need to explain this now! Am I going crazy?!"

"No you're not crazy. Don't worry, a lot of people react this way."

"A lot of people? What people? Could you put it in English please?"

"Not now, be patient Jasmine. Things are sure to clear up in the near future."

"But how are you floating?!"

We ended up arguing for what seemed to be for 30 minutes strait. In short, she wouldn't spill.

It's getting so late; I can barely keep my eyes open. Rebecca though, looks like she could run a marathon. I was just about ready to sleep on the spot when suddenly, "Over there!!!" my eyes shot up completely startled by the sudden news. When my eyes finally focused I turned to Rebecca, who was still floating high above me; she was pointing to a bunch of faraway lights. It was a city.

"A city?" I started, I couldn't see much in the moonlight darkness, but I could tell that the city was pretty big, the buildings were fairly tall and it was covered in gorgeous lights of different colors. "The city's called Hajimari. I live there with 2 friends; I'm sure you'll get along with them." "What type of name is Hajimari?" I asked baffled "It means Beginnings." "Why not just name it Beginnings then?" "It sounds less cool." her small, light pink lips perked up on each side to form a smile.

"Are your friends also magical?" I began. I was genuinely curious but also a little scared to find out, "Yup," she answered as if it was a normal occurrence, "So they also fly?!" "I've never seen them fly before, but they say they can do it so I guess so. Their names are Harp and Ravana; Harp is half angel and Ravana is half demon." "How did that happen?" I asked, "Not sure, it depends on how you... anyway, they haven't told me." I wanted to ask what she was going to say, but I felt like it was personal and I didn't know her too well to ask a thing like that. "Well... what are you?" I tried to change the subject, "Oh me? I'm a super hero." She declared happily and I raised an eyebrow. "How does that work?" I asked, "I Fly around and save people like you. You know, I think you're the 232th person I've found. Now all I have to do is get you out of here." "232th?! Wow that's a lot of people. But I'm still really confused." She smiled and with that, we've made it to Hajimari.

When we got into the city, we passed a small green welcome sign. From far away you'd think the city is just like any other, but it was populated by magic. Everywhere you turn you see something out of the ordinary, people flying, strange human/animal hybrids, super speed, fire breathing, duplication, invisibility, they had it all! We were both greeted by thousands of dazzling colors, which beautifully contrasted with the darkness of night. I couldn't believe my eyes. Rebecca on the other hand took it like nothing, for she lived here. "This way," she suggested motioning her hand toward her direction. I looked out into the horizon; I could see the flower field I started in. The sun was just starting to rise.

About 30 minutes later we made it to a neighborhood, which had the name Yunaiteddo in big letters being presented by a light. "Is everything here named something ridiculous?" I asked and  she chuckled back, "It means United." I sighed but went with it anyway. A few minutes later we turned a corner when, "This is my house!" Rebecca declared putting her arms up in the air to address a 2-story home that sat right in front of us. It had the porch light on which was just enough to see that it was mainly covered in large rocks and had a small balcony above the door, which was located to the left of the front of the house. They had a nice garden too. To the right of the door was the garage, which connected to the driveway we were standing on.

"It's nice." I complemented as we walked inside. Her 2 friends didn't seem to be awake. She walked me upstairs and led me to a room. "This is the guest room," she clarified. The lights were off and it was hard to see, but I made out the silhouette of a bed, which was all that mattered. "You can stay here as long as you nee-," before she could finish, I threw myself on the bed and passed out of exhaustion.

"Good night, Jasmine."

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