Spade and Godot.... plus more ....

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We got two more redesigns! Godot and Spade come on down!

Godot: hey guys! I smoothed out my scales and what not and changed afew other things too

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Godot: hey guys! I smoothed out my scales and what not and changed afew other things too.

Spade: hello Darlings! I made my scales more detailed and I have a new set of clothes as well beauties! I hope you did enjoy my new design

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Spade: hello Darlings! I made my scales more detailed and I have a new set of clothes as well beauties! I hope you did enjoy my new design..... Oh yes I look so fabulous!

Godot: and yet he still had to perform on stage?

Spade: *blushes* sh-shut it brother!

Godot: eh oh well.....

Now time for this! Organization 13 character sheet!

Name: Blancomon

Age: 24

Gender( and trust me on this): Female

Appearance: here is an old picture of her cause I'm too lazy to explain or make a new one.

Appearance: here is an old picture of her cause I'm too lazy to explain or make a new one

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

( she's depressing looking isn't she? And before you ask that's why I was aiming for)


Blank slate: cancel out all stat changes

Whiteout: send a white way to erase all opponents

Dreary stare: cancels out all status effects

Sleepy wave: sends out a wave signal with her tail it may put her opponents to sleep

Death glare: has a 50% chance of knocking out the opponent

Crush: Disarraydramon

Number: 8

Blancomon: hi.... If you even care.... Like it matters....

Gambit: what if it's Disarraydramon?

Blancomon: *looks away and lays on the floor* who c-cares? *Blushes slightly*

Gambit: eehhhh? Anyway guys see you my little Aces in the next update until then guys roll the credits!

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