Merry Christmas from Dicey!

38 1 11

Dicemon: I have two gifts for you Gamblermon!~ a new staff spear thing re and forced with Digiziod to guarantee it will never break unless it was something that's also Digiziod.... Steel in paint that will never wear off or chip and it makes any attacks used with it stronger!

Dicemon: And a power that can boost all your stats and it can also digitize your staff and stored in the ring itself!

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Dicemon: And a power that can boost all your stats and it can also digitize your staff and stored in the ring itself!

Dicemon: And a power that can boost all your stats and it can also digitize your staff and stored in the ring itself!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Dicemon: I hope you like them!

Gambit: hey! Shoutgumyaoi! What do you think about these?

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