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After the daunting task of completing the paperwork necessary to actually gather info later in the evening, Laurence tilted his head back in his chair, shutting his eyes momentarily to clear his head.
It was going to be a long night, for sure.
Having approached his task leader with the intent of pleading for mercy and another mission, he had ended up with the information they were to go as a couple to avoid arousing suspicion of two lone unfamiliar males trailing around the palace.
Evidently, this made matters worse.
This meant they wouldn't be able to split up, collect what they can in a 5 minute mark and run. But that they'd have to stay together at all times, and most likely stay the entire night.
The bigger the unit, the harder it is to hide.

Laurence ran his hands through his hair, tugging lightly as if to almost will himself to move, just as his date for the evening strolled into their shared chamber.

"I'm thinking of wearing white tonight, never really worn it before" Kemp smiled, scratching the side of his head.

Pushing himself finally, the taller male arose and sat again, this time on the bed next to his mate.

"For the love of God, don't wear white. 
Are you trying to get us caught?"

Kier chuckled and waved his hand dismissively.
"Like fuck I'd ever wear white.
Could you imagine, me, in white?
With white-blonde hair?

The thought brought a small smile to Laurence's rosy face.

"You'd look like a knob.
Even more of a knob."

Kier scoffed.
"Hey, that knob is your darling husband tonight!"

An even louder groan oddly fell out of Laurence, as he let himself fall back onto the bed, pushing a fluffy pillow into his face.
Muffled sounds of "Don't even remind me" came from under.

Pouting, Kier prodded his leg.
"Hey now, I'm not that bad..."

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