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Eyes lighting up, Laurence whipped round and opened the bottom drawer of their wardrobe, digging out two blood red carnations to hook into both their suit buttonholes.

They complimented each other in stylistic approach, and as Kier swung his arm around Laurence to pat his back and laugh, the great clock rang its hollow bell, alerting them of the time.

"We've gotta go. You ready for this?" Laurence asked, the worry evident in his tone.

Kier grinned big, nodding quick and doing stupid finger guns at him.

Snickering while Beveridge rolled his eyes, the two left, hurried into a carriage and headed to the stolen palace of the self proclaimed Cardinal.


The ride was a bumpy one, the nerves and anticipation choking both their throats.
If they were to get caught, they'd be killed instantly for sure. The rest of the team would be traced back and slaughtered, and the reign of terror wouldn't be stopped.
Picking at his lip in paranoia, Laurence kept his eyes out the small rectangular window to the carriage.

Kier fiddled with his flowers, trying to straighten them out against his blazer, glancing at Laurence to check if he was alright, and frowning.

"Hey, what's eating at you?"

Laurence snapped out of his thoughts and returned to the younger man.

"Hm? Oh, no nothing. Just a tricky mission."

Nodding slowly, Kier quickly smiled broadly in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Hey, your hubby's here for you! Don't be down!"

Laurence forced a sigh, unable to help himself smile at the strangely optimistic redhead.

"Thanks, love."

Kier made that same kissy face again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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