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Humming a happy tune, Kemp rifled through their wardrobe in search for anything formal, suitable, yet smart to dress in. They needed to blend in; yet Kier refused to look bad.
"Looking bad, equals feeling bad, equals bad performance!" He bellowed.

Laurence in the meanwhile stood staring at himself in the cracked mirror, smudging ounces of pure black under his eyes. He felt it'd help disguise his eye shape, making him less distinguishable.

Walking back into the main chamber to pick an outfit himself, Kier turned his attention to him and smirked.

Beveridge merely returned the gaze, shrugging.
"Someone has to be good looking in this relationship."

Kier blinked, feeling a flush of red sting his cheeks as he laughed.
"Ooh, you cheeky bugger!"

Chuckling, Beveridge eyed the mess Kemp had made in search for suits.
"No luck, then?"

"Mm, actually these two stood out to me." Kier held up two coat hangers with matching apparel; black and a dark, barely noticeable burgundy pinstripe trouser with a similar blazer. To be worn with a noir high collared button up, and optional ruby damask waistcoat.
He wanted to protest, seeing as Kier probably picked it since it went with his hair, but the suits were perfect for the occasion, and definitely the only thing they had at hand. It'd have to do.

Taking the hanger from his hand, Laurence excused himself to the bathroom once more to change, muttering to himself occasionally about the fit.
After a good five minutes of straightening himself out, he returned to look at his reflection, strangely content with the finished look.

Stepping back out again, he was greeted by Kier doing jazzhands.
"Snazzy, if I do say so myself."
He rolled on his heels, chuffed.

Laurence had to agree, nodding.
Shuffling next to the now identically dressed younger friend, taking in each other's appearances in the full length mirror imposing against them, they both genuinely smiled.

Kier snuck a peer up at Laurence, who caught his gaze.
The two then awkwardly coughed and looked away immediately, Kier biting his lip and Laurence feeling that same scarlet plague the apple of his cheeks.

Luck of a Lady.Where stories live. Discover now