My vault is a death tap

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"Hi I'm one of the fur tech founders this recording is to let the overseer know that this vault was made as an experiment. This vault has a mainframe that will at a unknown time will kill everyone in the vault  but one random person. If you are the last living person in the vault and have found this recording I will tell you the code for the vault door. The door code is 6395. Just know that if you leave you may not like what you see."
"What the fuck was that is this vault just a death trap" I say to myself "I have to get out of this vault." I start to worry about when the vault might kill everyone. I decided I'm going to pack my stuff and leave the vault. After I finished packing I started walking to silverfang's room silverfang was my only friend in the vault and I didn't want to leave him to die or even be the last person left in vault. I get to silvers room and knock on the door. Silver opens the door and I jump on him telling him that we need to leave the vault tomorrow. "Hold up a minute what are you talking about" silver asks me in a concerned tone "just listen to this recording it will explain everything" i say to silver putting an earbud in his ear.

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