Chapter 2: Losing Track Of Time

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•°• Reader's POV •°•

My (E/C) eyes fluttered open to see the flickering of the gentle flame as it licked the air softly.

I stretched my paws out in front of me as I yawned.

I looked around to see Cloudjumper still occupying the spot across from me, sleeping soundly.

He looked so beautiful when he slept, he looked so peaceful and serene. The flickering light of the flame dimly lighting his face, making his orange scales appear to glow.

I smiled gently at the sight as I arose from my spot and soundlessly padded toward the door.

Once at the door, I carefully took the knob in my gums, turning my head to the side slightly to turn it, prying the door open with my paw when it cracked open a bit.

I silently let the door click closed behind me before I slipped away undetected, disappearing into the treeline.

The darkness made my (S/C) body appear as nothing but a lurking silhouette in the night as I silently ran through the forest, my paws barely touching the ground and making no sound.

The stars peaked through the blanket of trees, winking down at me from above.

The soft chorus of chirping crickets reverberated in all directions, their symphony echoing into the night.

My (E/C) eyes seemed to glow as they were easily able to discern and recognize everything around me.

Seeing through the blackness of night with my accustomed eyes, I simply weaved my way around and over the terrain of the forest with no trouble until I came to my favorite spot in all of Berk.

Seeing through the blackness of night with my accustomed eyes, I simply weaved my way around and over the terrain of the forest with no trouble until I came to my favorite spot in all of Berk

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I looked around in wonder as thousands of fireflies hovered all around me, creating a scene that was usually imagined.

No Viking nor dragon on Berk knew about my secret haven, not even (B/F/N).

It was my own place where I could organize my thoughts, relish in peace, regain my composure after a hostile situation, or just to wonder about what my life would be like without (B/F/N), how I would have turned out a without her. She really turned my life around. She was the best friend I could ever ask for. And that was the truth.

My face was illuminated as a firefly lingered in front of me, it's natural light reflecting in my (E/C) eyes.

A gentle purr rose in my throat as I gazed at the bright insect, my eyes sparkling with awe and wonder.

I lightly swiped at the air with my paw in a playful but gentle manner, careful not to accidentally catch the fragile bugs beneath my paw.

I stood up on my hind legs and sniffed at a flock of the firefies in curiosity, my (E/C) eyes sparkling.

My (S/C) tail sweeped softly against the thin, dewed blades of green grass, my tail fins thumping against the ground gently.

The soft light of the morning sun trickled through the treetops and enlightened the greenness that blanketed the forest floor.

Butterflies of many hues fluttered around the expanse of the forested area boundlessly as I watched them in awe.

The warm beams of the sun ricocheted off my (S/C) scales prismatically, the rays of the reflected light radiating this way and that, giving the illusion that I was the source.

I squawked happily as I fell on all fours, looking up at the beautiful scene before me.

Time sipped away before I knew it, because in what felt like minutes, the sun's rays lowered and the shadows grew longer as the sun sank in the sky.

My eyes widened as I finally became conscious of the time, roaring in realization as I darted back to the village, winding and bounding over trees and bushes with ease.

(B/F/N) must be worried sick. How could I be so stupid?! how does someone just let twelve flipping hours slip by like that!! I'll never hear the end of this. But I'm gonna bite the bullet and suck it up.

The greenery passed by me in a blur until I finally arrived at the village, my narrow-pupiled (E/C) eyes glanced over the entire village.

A very familiar and dreaded voice echoed in my very sensitive ears, causing me to turn my head in the diection of (B/F/N), who was venting to Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins, their dragons alongside their masters.

Stormfly's golden eyes caught a glimpse of me and she undetectably gestured to (B/F/N) with her eyes.

I whimpered as I fearfully padded over to where (B/F/N) stood with her back turned to me, my earspressed back against my head.

All but (B/F/N)'s eyes were on me and I cooed in a guilty manner.

(B/F/N) finally turned to me, her (F/E/C) eyes penatrating through me with the intensity of daggers.

I shrunk under her glare, whining helplessly.

"Where have you been?" Her voice seemed to reverberate through my heart.

I crooned guiltily, my (E/C) orbs glimmering with the guilt that tore through my very heart and soul.

"You had me worried sick, (Y/N). I was preparing to go to Outcast Island to look for you, you know Dagur and Alvin would do anything to get their filthy hands on a NightFury." She scolded, her hands resting on her cocked hips.

My heart ached in guilt as her gaze burned through me, the fact that all of my friends were here to add to the crushing pressure I felt wasn't helping either.

I groaned sadly, giving her my best puppy eyes.

She sighed, kneeling.

"Just don't let it happen again, you nearly gave me a heart attack." A gentle smile grew upon her face as she opened her arms.

I nodded and gladly went into her forgiving arms, which closed around my neck as best as they could.

I purred in relief, my eyes catching sight of Cloudjumper, who was laying on the roof our house, his yellow eyes watching with warmth and fondness as he purred.

(A/N: this took forever for me to write. Sorry. I hope you guys like it.)

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