The First

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Looking at his watch, he realized it's been more than 5 minutes he was standing in the same spot. It was very unusual for his regular coffee shop to be packed up like this on Friday. In fact, he wasn't even sure if it ever been like this before, at least not in his three month stay in this town. There were six other people in front of him before, waiting to place their order, but now it's only three since the other already lose their patience and left.

After another three minutes, he finally got to the counter and placed his order, and then another wait. Also waiting beside him was a beautiful young lady that looks somehow unfamiliar to him. She waited for her order, while her eyes scanning the menu. Everyone was very uneasy except for her and it draws his attention.

"Excuse me," she said out of nowhere and looked at him, their eyes met. "Do you need something?" her words sharp, she was clearly annoyed by how he looked at her.

"I... Um... No, sorry." He stammered and turned his head away. But after some times, his curiosity took over and he looked at her again. "Are you new here?" he asked.

"Yes, just arrived last night."

He was about to asked another question when the coffee shop employee bring in their order. They both exhale, grateful to get their order after waiting for a long time.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed after looking at his watch and found out he was late for a meeting. He quickly grabbed one of the two cups from the counter and pay for it, leaving the coffee shop as fast as he could and didn't even realize he paid too much for a cup of coffee.


"Ignazio." She whispered to herself after, once again, reading the name on the coffee cup. That must be his name, the guy from the coffee shop with a strange look towards her and a funny accent. The coffee shop actually offered her another cup since he pays enough for another cup but she refused. She didn't want to make a big deal about it, especially since it was her first day in town.

She left the coffee on her desk and moved to unpack her things. She didn't take all of her stuff, only clothes, books, and some of her paintings to decorate the place. Her apartment was perfect, it was only two blocks away from the campus and she can go there by foot, just like what she loved to do. One thing missing tho, she needs to find another job and that's the hardest part when you move to another city. But she didn't want to think about it just yet. One thing at a time, she said to herself.

She spent the Friday morning cleaning her new apartment and organizing her stuff. She also makes some arrangement so that the desk facing the window, straight to the beautiful view of the lake behind the apartment building. She'll spent most of her time on that desk so she's putting so much effort to make it as comfortable as possible. She wants everything to be perfect.

Too carried away decorating her new place, she almost forgot the coffee she bought this morning. By the time she remembered, it was already cold from sitting for hours in her desk. She drank it but, not only had she tasted the cold coffee, but there was also something really wrong with it. She barely tasted sugar and it has no milk at all, totally different from what she ordered. Ugh, this Ignazio guy has a strange taste, she thought.


Ignazio arrived to the empty meeting room. There was no one inside but Gianluca, who didn't even aware of his presence because he was too distracted by something in his phone. It wasn't until Ignazio put the coffee in front of him that he realized there were someone inside. Ignazio then headed straight to the kitchen.

"That's very kind of you." He said once Ignazio came back to the meeting room. He was about to take a sip when he saw the name on the cup, "Who's Kate?"

"Oh... She was a girl from the coffee shop, I guess. I picked up her coffee by mistake because I'm in a hurry." he explained, taking a sip of his freshly made cup of coffee before he continued, "She happened to have the same taste for coffee just like you."

He tasted it and smiled. No wonder Ignazio didn't want to drink it, the coffee has too much milk and the taste was indeed very sweet. And Ignazio doesn't like too much sugar on his coffee.

"You know what, I think I like this girl." he said.

"Don't be silly Gianlu." he giggled, "You haven't even seen or talked to her." He took another sip of his coffee and continued, "Besides, I think she's a little bit cold, you know?"

"Whoa, Ignà, easy." he laugh. "Don't need to talk bad things about her. I won't steal her from you."

"What do you mean? I barely know her. Why do youthink I'm..." he didn't get to finish his sentence because someone just opened the door. It was Piero, along with another three people from their management.


Hello! Welcome to my new story :)
It's my second attempt, I hope it turns out okay :')
Vote and comments!! I'd love to know what do you think about it!

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