The Night that Started It All

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It was a lazy day for Ignazio, day off, no recording, or any activity related to the band. He doesn't feel like making music or cooking like he usually does. He just doesn't feel like doing anything today. This morning when he gets up, he stays on the bed for more than 2 hours, wrapped in the warmth of his blanket. It's only at 11 am that he managed to get off his bed to make some coffee and breakfast for himself. An 11 am breakfast.

It's been three days, but his bruises are still sore, so he decided to take a warm shower again. While in the shower, he was thinking about the dinner tonight with Kate. It's been a while since the last time he takes someone, a girl, to dinner. He's getting used to having dinner with the boys so he didn't know what to expect tonight. But still, he's excited.

After putting on what he thought was the best outfit for dinner with a girl, he grabbed his key and headed to the parking lot. When he about to open the door, someone surprised him from behind. It was Gianluca and Piero.

"Oh come on! If I died of a heart attack, it would be on you two." He yells.

Both Gianluca and Piero laugh hysterically. Teasing Ignazio is always fun for them. It's also become their way of taking revenge for his daily practical jokes.

Without saying anything, both of them get in the car, leaving Ignazio confused and wondering what they want. "Get off the car, guys. I'm going to have dinner with someone," he explained.

"Who? Kate?" asked Gianluca. But Ignazio didn't have to say a word, his face explained everything.

"Is it a date?" Piero asked.

"Of course not. It's just a regular dinner, me saying thank you to her for giving my phone back kinda thing, you know?"

"If that so, we're coming with you" added Piero.

Ignazio made a face, clearly didn't agree with their idea, but he cannot find a strong argument to try and make them changes their mind. It's not a date after all, so their presence won't be a problem. In fact, they probably would save him from the awkward situation that could've happened during dinner. So yeah, he finally agreed.


Ignazio was waiting outside the car and opened the door for Kate. When she's about to get into the car, she was surprised to see Gianluca and Piero on the back seat and look at Ignazio, confused.

"My bodyguards insisted to come," he said sarcastically, "I hope you don't mind."

She laughed. "Of course. The last time you're with me, you came home all beaten up. I'm not surprised if they wanna come with you now," she added, playing along with his sarcasm.


Ignazio is somehow relieved that he brings Piero and Gianluca with him. There would be a lot of awkward silence between him and Kate because he wasn't very good at starting a conversation.

He was quietly watching Kate throughout the dinner. She seems very comfortable around them. She laughs, jokes around, telling stories, and there's a moment when she, along with him and Piero, is teasing Gianluca.

"So Kate, what do you do?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I've just started med school," she responded.

The boys were amazed. On the way to her apartment, they have their opinion about what she was doing. Ignazio guessed she was an art student because she mentioned having a class when she handed him his phone, Piero thought she was a lawyer or someone with a background in law, while Gianluca thought she was a dancer. All of them are proven to be wrong.

"Hmm, that explains a lot," Ignazio responded. She was puzzled, still didn't know where the conversation is going. "The way you treated my wounds the other night. You didn't freak out, you move effectively, you know what to do." He explained.

She laughed, "You're wrong. I was scared as hell. You were lucky that you can walk, otherwise, I will just leave you there in the alley."

"Disgraziato," Ignazio said something in Italian and they all burst into laughter, including Kate. She found it very funny, even tho she didn't understand what he was saying.

"And you guys are singers, right?" she asked. "What kind of music?"

"It's operatic pop," Gianluca answered, and they spent the next 10 minutes having a lecture about it. Gianluca is always like that, he wants to be thorough when explaining something.

The other two were bored by it, while Kate was listening to him with great interest. It was new and interesting to her.

"So are you going to do a concert here?" the previous explanation from Gianluca got her even more curious. She wants to see and hear them singing.

"Not anytime soon," said Piero. "We're just started working on a new album," he added.

It was a night full of fun for them, They exchange jokes and stories, getting to know each other. It was finally ended with them exchanging phone numbers and the boys taking Kate back to her apartment.

Once Kate entered her building, Ignazio looked at Piero and hand him the key, "Switch with me, Pie. I'm sleepy."

"Take the key, Gianlu, your turn to..." Piero didn't get to finished his sentence because Ignazio immediately cut it.

"I'm not trusting my life on Gianluca's driving skill, Piero. Would you, Gianlu?" he argued.

"I wouldn't trust my life on my driving skill too," he supported Ignazio, he didn't want to argue with him because Ignazio can be very moody when he's sleepy.

After 5 minutes drive, Ignazio was already leaning his head on the window and fell asleep. Both Gian and Piero never understand why he likes sleeping so much. Maybe it's just his way to recharge.


That dinner was a beautiful way to end her first week here in this new place. She was smiling ear to ear remembering the conversation with the boys. It's good to make friends with new people. She even regretted why the night had to end so fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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