I Know You

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Monday is always the hardest day of the week, probably for everyone. Ignazio is no exception. They had back to back meetings this afternoon, followed by two interviews, and another meeting. It was already late at night when they finally get to rest. The three of them decided to get back to their apartment. Both Piero and Gianluca decided to hit the bed but not Ignazio, he decided to go out and walk around the block after taking a shower.

This has become a routine for him. It helps him relaxed especially after a tiring and stressful day. It was the only time of the day when he feels like himself again, the time when he'd be able to feels his heartbeat and listen to the sounds inside of him. It wasn't easy living this kind of life, even when he's surrounded by so many supportive people who are always ready to help. Sometimes he just needs to be alone to reflects and clear his mind.

It was almost midnight when he walk passed an alley and saw a woman walking, followed by what looks like three drunken men.

"Just go away!" she shouted. She tried to walk faster, but the men keep following her. They didn't do anything at first, but then they stopped her and begin to ask for her phone and wallet.

"I don't have it with me right now, okay. Now fuck off!" her words were firm but she sounds nervous at the same time.

They laugh and look at each other before one of them grabbed her hand and pull her closer, "I don't believe you. Now give me your damn wallet or..."

His words stopped, followed by a loud bang of something heavy hit the ground. The man is already on the ground when she opened her eyes. Ignazio decided to take matters with his own hands because he thought the man already crossed the line. He pulled the woman closer to him and shielded her with his body. She didn't say anything and just followed his hand instruction.

"Now go!" he ordered, "I don't wanna fight." he continued as the other two men helped their friend to stand up.

"This is a fight! And you're the one started it!" One of them said and then launched a punch towards his face. It was very close, but he managed to catch it and punch him to the ground.

Things only get uglier from there. It was three against one and the result can be predicted. He did managed to land several punches on their face and stomach, even knocked one of them down, but the beating he got was even more brutal. He can feel bloods flowed from the wound in his head. Nevertheless he always managed to get on his feet and fight back. But then they got him. A hard punch right on his jaw brought his body to the ground. He tried several time to get back on his feet but failed because his knees was weak and he felt lightheaded. One of the three men, the bigger one, was ready to land another punch before they heard a loud sound of police car sirens and run away to the other side of the alley.

Ignazio coughed and spit some, well actually, a lot of bloods. She helped him to sit down and lean his body on the wall. "What were you thinking?!" she looked at him and yelled.

"Well, I just saved your life. You're welcome." he replied sarcastically, didn't believe of her reaction. He held his stomach the entire time, trying to reduce the pain and catch a breath. They both went silence for some seconds before she finally say something again.

"Let me see that." she said softly, reaching for his stomach. She rolled his shirt up to reveal some severe bruises around the ribs and observed it. "You're lucky they heard the police sirens or else..." she said.

"Wait. I thought you called that police."

"I didn't." she replied. "Ugh... It's deep. You're gonna need some stitches for this." she cringed, examining his head wound.

"No I don't." he argued while trying to get up. "I'm fine. I'll just walk back to my apartment now. Make sure you take a different route, the one with more people."

He walked away but she easily catches him up. She held his hand and look at him in the eyes, "There's no way I'll let you walk home with these wounds. What if you passed out on the street?" He pulled his hand form hers and looked back into her eyes but she broke the eye contact immediately.

"Come to my place and clean those wounds first." she paused. "This is me saying thank you, you know?" she added when he didn't respond. After another argument he finally agreed and they catch a cab to her apartment.

It was a short ride, only a block away. She would normally just walk but considering his condition, there's no way they could do that. There was no conversation between them during the ride as both of them drowned in their own thoughts. Once they got to her apartment, she immediately went to the kitchen. Ignazio let himself sit on the couch and observed his surroundings.

"Here." she said and hand him a towel, "Apply a pressure on your head wound. I noticed it hasn't stop bleeding." She had also with her a bowl of water, an ice pack and another towel. "Lay down." She commanded.


"Lay down. I want to see the bruises again." he obeyed and lay down on the couch, letting her looking at his abdomen. Her eyes showing concern, she moved effectively but at the same time very gentle, like she knew what she was doing.

"I'm Kate by the way." she said, breaking the silence between them.

"I know." he responded. "I remember you. And your overly sweet coffee."

"And you're Ignazio I suppose?" she asked, "The one with a strange taste for coffee."

He frowned, "Yes. But that's not how you pronounce it," he then pronounced his name the right way. He got used to people wrongly pronounced it by now because it happens so many times. He corrected them only to hear them making the same mistake.

"Ignazio." she pronounced it perfectly this time.

He nodded and smiled "I see you're a quick learner."


Hello! Finally, chapter 2 is here!! I hope you enjoy it :)

Vote and comment! It would be good to hear from you :)

From now, if everything goes well with my life, a new chapter will be post every Sunday. And until then, goodbye!

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