Next Time?

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"Ignà!" Gianluca called once he saw him entered the building.

"Can it wait, Gianlu? I'm late." he stopped in front of him and he seems in a hurry. "We'll talk at the break, okay?" He was about to say another words but Ignazio was already gone from his sight.

After the long meeting, they're all agree with the song choices and today was the first day they begin to work on the harmonization. Ignazio will be the one to work the hardest today because he has to work on his solo and duet with Piero all in the same day. While Gianluca just has to work on one song today, his solo.

"It can wait, I guess." he said to himself before he sit back down and stared at his phone screen again.

Meanwhile in the studio, Piero was already inside, playing one of their songs with the piano. He stopped when he saw Ignazio enter the room.

"Where is the other?" he asked.

"They're not here yet." Piero answered as he began to play the song again.

"I'm 15 minutes late! Come on!" he protested, throwing his body to the couch but soon regret it as the pain from the bruises hit his body.

Piero laugh, "Actually, Ignà," he keeps laughing and turn his back to see Ignazio and continued, "I messed up your clock. I made it 20 minutes faster than it should be."

Ignazio took off his glasses, his face turn red as the anger built up inside of him, "You what?!"

"You're basically 5 minutes early." Piero's laugh was even harder as he saw Ignazio's reaction.

"Yes, I know how to count, Barone." he got up from the couch and began to chase Piero around the room. "Damn it Piero! I barely slept last night. And the last thing I need is to get up early in the morning, panic like I'm about to lose my job. Argh!"


Gianluca was waiting in the front door of the studio when he witnessed Ignazio open the door and quickly walking away, followed by Piero. "What happened?" he asked Piero once he was able to catch him up.

"He's mad at me for messing up his sleep schedule." He explained, but Gianluca didn't understand. "But don't worry, he'll get over it." he added.

The three of them was waiting for the elevator without talking to each other. Piero was busy with his phone while Ignazio just anxiously waiting for the elevator door to open, leaving Gianluca awkwardly looking at both of them.

"Ignazio..." he finally had the courage to say something after they were inside the elevator.

"Not now." he responded shortly.

"But you said..."

"Not now, Gianluca." he repeated and this time raising his voice a bit. "I'm not in the mood right now."

So that was it. The rest of the elevator ride was awkwardly silence. Gianluca was relieved when they finally get out. The jokes between them are sometimes crossed the line. One would mad at the other but soon forgive each other. The longest day they didn't talk was three days, when Ignazio took it too far on Piero with a practical joke. And those three days was a living hell for Gianluca.

"Ignazio!" a woman's voice called once they get into the lobby. Ignazio turn his head to the familiar sound.

"Hi." he came closer to her with the two others following from behind. "I never said I work here. How did you know?"

"Well, I asked Gianluca..."

"How did you...?" he raised his eyebrows, confused, and then turned his head to Gianluca, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried." he replied. "I tried this morning and a couple of minutes ago, in the elevator. But you..." he didn't get to finish his words because Ignazio threw a killer look on him.

"Now will you guys leave us alone?" he asked, looking at both of his friend. "I'll catch up with the lunch."

Piero smirk and put on his suspicious look, "Right, Gianluca..." he took Gianluca's hand and dragged him away. "Leave them alone." he said with a loud voice.

"Oh, shut up Piero!" he yell, clearly annoyed. But it only makes both of his friend laughs louder.

She giggled watching them acted like a child, but soon stopped once Ignazio turn his head on her. "So?" he asked.

"I come to give you this." she handed him the black jacket, "Your phone was inside. Gianluca was the last person you called so I called him and asked."

Ignazio took the jacket and look at her, now with a smile on his face, "You don't have to do this, you know? But thank you."

There was no other word from them for the next 10 seconds. Kate was looking down at her feet the entire time, and Ignazio just looked at her, trying to find another word to say and keep the conversation going.


"Kate..." they said almost at the same time. "Okay, lady's first." Ignazio added.

"My friend is waiting outside, I got to go." she said, looking at his eyes. "I have another class in 30 minutes."

"I was about to ask you to join us at lunch." he suddenly lost the sparkle in his eyes.

"Sorry, but I can't, maybe next time?"

Ignazio's eyes lit up all of the sudden, "So there will be next time?" she shrugged, wasn't sure what to say. "What about dinner this Saturday night?" Ignazio asked, she took a moment to think. Ignazio smiled ear to ear when she nodded her agreement. "Okay, I'll pick you up at 6."

She was halfway to the front door of the building when she stopped walking and looked back, "Ignazio..." she said, smiling. "You might want to consider putting that black glasses on."

He got her words quickly and frowned, he knew she was talking about the black circle around his left eye, "That bad, uh?"

"Yeah." she made a face and nodded before walked out of the door. Ignazio looked at her the entire time and smile to himself, thinking. She's a total stranger...    


Hello everyone!!

So as promised, I managed to finished chapter 4 this weekend, on Christmas eve!!! Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it!!

This chapter is a bit short, but I hope it's good enough. Comment and tell me what you think about it, will you?

And once again, have a lovely and wonderful Christmas to you all!! Happy holiday!

Nobody But You (Ignazio Boschetto)Where stories live. Discover now