Part 2 ~ Dark Miles

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Chapter Thirteen

Cynthia waits on the stairs of Daphne's apartment for Larry to show up. She wants to tell him that Daphne doesn't want the police inside the house. Derrick did a lot of crystal the night before and she has no idea what could be left out, and no time to really clean.

"Doesn't look good having your friend lawyer-up like this," said one the detectives. "Looks —"

"Looks fucking great," Cyn told him, cutting him off. "Let me ask you something, you ever see anyone's case improve by talking to the detectives without a lawyer present? No, you haven't. Not one. That's why they always stop those reality TV shows when the lawyer is asked for. So, fuck off."

"She's not really a sus—"

"Of course she is! The girlfriend or wife is always the first suspect. Look, go try your bullshit out on someone who might listen to it. Alright?"

"What's your name?" the detective asked pulling out his pad.

"Don't answer that," Larry said from behind him. "You've got nothing to do with this, and he has no grounds for asking except that you called him on his bullshit."

"What? Not even her name?" the detective asked with a laugh.

"Not a damn thing that doesn't absolutely require an answer from her or Daphne," Larry informed him, his face like a lion guarding territory. "What do you have here, six cop cars? You're using intimidation tactics on a woman who just lost her partner of over ten years. You will not get in her house without a warrant. You will not talk to her unless I am present. You will not see either of us without scheduling a time through my office. Is that clear? Because harassment and intimidation are two of my biggest peeves.

"Now," Larry told him, "you can go. I'm going to talk to my client, and we will come down to the station at the time you arrange through my office, to make a statement. Not to answer questions, not to be interrogated. But to make a statement. That's it. Unless you're going to arrest her now. And please say you are. Please," Larry told him.

The detective was furious, but kept his mouth shut, took Larry's offered card, turned and walked away.

"For the rest of you," Larry said, raising his voice. "If I come back down here and see one of you here, I'll not only file departmental complaints but raise charges of harassment. I hope that's clear to you, because I'm willing to clear my calendar for the rest of the year with this one."

Cyn watched cops and detectives get in their cars, and pull out of the parking lot, leaving the area.

"Holy shit Larry," she said as he came up beside her. "I think you just became my hero."

"Does that make me sexier?" he smiled.

"You were sexy before. Ever have two girls give you a spontaneous blow job?" she joked, and then glanced upstairs, and said more seriously, "Probably not going to happen for a while though Larry. She's really torn up. Her insides are shredded. I'm really glad you kept them from talking to her right now."

"The bj can wait, probably kill me anyway. Let's deal with the real victim first," Larry agreed, and continued upstairs, Cyn following.

"Larr," she whispered before they got to the door.

"Yes?" he asked in quiet tones as well.

"She thinks Gypsy did this."

"Shit. Thanks."

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