Chapter Twenty-Three

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Gypsy had already accepted the fact that he was going to murder someone. It was Thursday, about six in the evening, and he was holding his gun to the back of a man's head, who's been running one of the distribution chains for the Orlin. Apparently, he took a little more than he should have. It was strange that this problem came up so often.

Orlin is talking to him, mostly in Spanish, which Gypsy is fluent in, though he hasn't let Orlin in on this information. Orlin's monologue is tedious, and in Gypsy's mind, a flagrant waste of time, because Gypsy can tell that Orlin, is going to order him to kill this man. It's all over his body language.

It was a test to see if Gypsy would hesitate or act, when given the command.

After another minute of talking, Gypsy realizes that he's wrong, this wasn't Orlin wasting time. Orlin was testing to see if would loose his cool, being stuck in a holding pattern for so long. If he would begin to second guess, or have doubts.

Gypsy allows himself the slightest of grins, since he felt no pressure from the situation at all. As soon as he decided he would murder to achieve his goal, and bring down this cartel, nothing was left to second guess.

The man under his gun however, was feeling the pressure. He was quaking at this point. Shaking so badly that the sweat pouring out of his forehead was being flung off by his trembles.

"So you understand Hector. I have to do this." Orlin says in English, and then to Gypsy. "Kill him-"

The gun went off before Orlin finished the command.

Gypsy straightens up, checks the room and then puts his gun into his side-holster. "Do you need anything from his desk? Perhaps his laptop?"

Orlin studied him, "Actually yes, bueno, his laptop please."

Gypsy strode to the desk, and finds the travel case for the laptop. Packs it all up and looks around again. "Yes?"

"Si, we go now." Orlin agrees.

Outside, two enforcers fall into step behind them, as they go down the walk to the waiting limo.

Once inside Orlin gives Gypsy another appraisal, "You did not drive the truck today?"

"It's at the body shop, being repainted. It will be done by next Tuesday they told me," Gypsy offered.

"And this suit, it looks very good on you. I did not expect you... how do you say? ... cleaned up so well? Yes?"

Gypsy allowed a grin, "You mentioned last week that today would be busy with negotiations."

"I did? It is, definitely, si, but, I guess I must have, perhaps in passing? Certainly not as a directive."

"No, nothing like that. I think your motivation was to let me know I might be bored most of the day," Gypsy suggested.

"There are many emotional states I can picture you occupying Gypsy, but boredom? I don't believe boredom is one of them."

"Professional wrestling," Gypsy offered. "Bores me silly."

Orlin laughed at this, and his laugh was genuine. "My son, he is into this, and may the Virgin bless me I cannot get through a whole show with him. I try, I really do, but it's just too much."

"Shows much that you try anyway. He'll remember that. I'm sure it will be one of his fondest memories," Gypsy said, looking out the window as the limo descended off the freeway and into the valley of El Cajon.

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